
What do u have open when coding?

Me (PHP/NodeJS web development on a Mac):

- PhpStrom
- Navicat (for localhost MySql DB)
- Chrome
- Terminal

- Slack
- Mail
- Messenger (for Google Chat)
- WhatApp Web
- Calendar

- Evernote
- TextWrangler (for quick notes)

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    What size monitor do you use?
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    @jhh2450 It's a 15" Macbook Pro laptop. Just swipe up with 4 fingers to view all the open windows at once.
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    @techdoc Oh ok! I've known people to use like 40" monitors so they could use several full sized tabs at once.
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    at least 3 Terminals
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    I use Manjaro Linux, XFCE with at least 3 workspaces.

    Browsing/web debygging:

    Android Studio,Vscode,Pycharm. Sometimes eclipse/intellij

    All in Franz(really conveniant)
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    Optional: Spotify or other media player
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    C# and asp.net development

    Visual studio
    Skype for business
    9GaG on mobile
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    Java developer

    Local machine:

    In the VM accessed via citrix
    -Eclipse IDE
    -PL/SQL Developer
    -Internet explorer
    -Skype for business
    -Word/Excel probably

    Don't judge me, the software library available in the VM I work on is set by the customer and we don't even have access to internet.
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    Vs code
    Mysql workbench
    And terminal sometimes.

    P.S. I am a web developer.
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    Windows here

    - Zsh terminal
    - Winscp
    - Sublime Text
    - 3x Chrome across 3 monitors
    -- googling / coolors.co / uplabs / dribble
    -- plex and various chats
    -- spotify/youtube if plex not in use
    -- current dev webpage open
    - steam
    - remote desktop
    - multiple explorer windows
    - often adobe illustrator / photoshop
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    Java development:
    - Eclipse, NetBeans, of IntelliJ open (most likely eclipse)
    - Opera
    - Two command lines

    OS Development:
    - Ubuntu VM (VMWare or VirtualBox)
    - Nano
    - osdev.org
    - QEMU

    - Notepad++
    - File Explorer
    - Quick PHP LAN Server by Zach Saw

    - about 120 tabs
    - documentation
    - QEMU
    - Android studio

    - the IDE it comes with

    - IDLE

    - liteIDE

    C/C++ (Linux):
    - Ubuntu VM
    - Nano
    - Four terminals

    C/C++ (Windows):
    - Code::Blocks (Visual Studio if I have too😤)
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    C development
    - Sublime Text 3
    - Terminal

    Bash development
    - Terminal
    - Terminal with Nano opened
    - Man pages

    Java development
    - Intellij Idea
    - Java APIs on chrome

    Android development
    - Android Studio
    - Genymotion
    - Java APIs on chrome
    - Android APIs on chrome
    - Android Developers page on chrome
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    -Ubuntu to run applications
    -Not 10 applications but 10 tabs in atom.
    -2-5 Terminals ( for running localhost, db server, remote servers, and git. But last 3 commit I made directly from atom's git+, and will be using it now usually now)
    -Documentation on chrome
    -Chrome for documentations
    -Sometimes youtube, to listen to LP songs ( my ISP provides 4-8 folds speed, compared to my subscribed plan, on Google's services )
    File zilla ( not much anymore )
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    mine is a lenovo y510p runing on osx el capitain, and for work another hackintosh on asus motherboard and it's running stable, if you only using mysql for mac there is Sequel pro, i always like it more, and advice if i may, docker is great for dev, specially if you are confortable with CLI,
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    about slack, i still believe that the price is very high
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    Just a terminal and a browser.
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    I use Vim for everything.
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    Windows 10
    IDE (Brackets)
    Chrome Window with page open
    Another Chrome window open with YouTube autoplay
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    On Ubuntu:
    Terminal with tmux+neovim
    Chrome for docs (trying to use Zeal, crash :'( )
    For the communication it's Slack Discord and Thunderbird
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    @calmyourtities Jetbrains Gogland is neat for Go as well.

    I'm a Jetbrains whore, I use it for PHP, MySQL (Datagrip), Go, Python, Rust, etc.

    Slack, Urxvt and Chrome are the only other windows.

    Within Chrome, I usually have Asana, Bugsnag, Github and several pages of the site I'm working on open.
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    Code editing/devving:
    Shitloads of terminals
    Advanced REST cliënt (Chromium addon)


    Note stuff:
    Don't take notes.

    OS: Fedora.
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    @clovisIrex I'd use Franz but every communication method I use relies on a different end to end encryption scheme so yah
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    Web Dev (front end and back end) on MacOS.

    - Sublime Text
    - Chrome (often with a bajillion tabs)
    - Firefox
    - iOS Simulator (for testing)
    - iTerm2 (usually 4 or 5 sessions/tabs — a couple for servers/build tasks, and a few in different directories)
    - GitUp (awesome free git client)
    - Electron-wrapped Trello (made with nativefier)
    - iTunes or Spotify or VLC
    - Slack and/or Discord and/or Mac Mail (for team or client communication)

    All spread out over 7 or 8 virtual desktops.
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    WebDev on OSX:


    - iTerm (3 tabs: nvim + gulp/webpack + git)
    - Chrome


    - MAMP
    - RescueTime
    - WakaTime
    - Spotify / PocketCasts

    Almost anything else most of the time. When needed:

    - Photoshop
    - Sketch
    - VBox (Ubuntu Server)
    - FileZilla or Transmit
    - Sublime Text
    - ...
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    i always have multiple workspaces with 3 monitors.

    Workspace 1:
    M1: slack / skype
    M2: mail / github
    M3: github repos I'm working on

    Workspace 2:
    all shells ssh sessions are here usually about 4 or 5 plus some serial consoles to devices

    Workspace 3:
    M1: browser with SO, linux doc other docs
    M2: Sublime in full screen no distraction mode
    M3: terminals to compile/run/ and one with tig

    Workspace 4 (windows):
    M1: browser doc so ...
    M2: visual studio
    M3: git bash / browser with api doc and postman

    Workspace 4: (Android dev)
    each monitor has an android studio project open + one browser for doc and stack overflow

    Workspace 5:
    M1: Browser with necessary doc
    M2: linux VM monitor1
    M3: linux VM monitor2

    i can add other workspaces if needed for support cases when I'm working on all the raspberry pies we have in the office etc...

    PS: i use
    i3 / tig / ranger on linux
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    Spark, Chrome, Atom, android Studio and Spotify
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    Read all comments in hope to find an answer for this but nope :(

    1. Which REST client? Started to hate postman, and Paw is only for macOS. Need something like Paw because it is a one time payment can't afford monthly payments.
    2. Which documentation tool? I am planning on using Gitbooks but open to suggestions :)
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    I use a mid 2012 MacBook Air. I usually have VS Code, Chrome, Skype, devRantron, VirtualBox, and a terminal window open.
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    @gitpush i just started testing insomnia it's on GitHub. and started using swagger for my restapi documentations and client code gen
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    @Tychus I used to use Insomnia but didn't really like it, it is too basic.
    AS for Swagger, I'll give it a try thanks man
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    @gtoff servers/build tasks ?
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    -Sublime Text 3 with 20+ files open at any given time, using a custom color scheme where all the code is displayed in varying degrees of green, on a dark, almost black background
    -Chrome with 100+ tabs open

    -Discord (ignoring this 95% of the time)
    -LINE (to speak with the waifu)
    -Opera Mail
    -Sublime Text 3 (to draft my emails)

    -Sublime Text 3 with a custom made color scheme called RedCode. All the text is red.

    -Spotify playing the FTL soundtrack as background music
    -Civilization IV running in background for random sessions of procrastinating
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    @tsouhaieb often webpack or webpack-based. I have some projects where I run a database as well, and sometimes I'll open two projects at the same time to compare or copy code from one to another or whatever.
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    @gtoff thanks for response, i hate when i read something that i don't understand.
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