
Re-watching old episodes of mythbusters. S2E1, they test "better to walk or run in the rain"

Their method totally pissed me off.

They had cotton suits on their body and measured the weight difference before and after.

Except the cotton suits DIDN'T GO ON THEIR HEAD.

Where is most of the rain going to fall when walking slowly and the water source is directly above your head? Head and shoulders.

So of course their findings were that you got more wet when running, as some of the water got on their belly instead of their head.

Can't find anyone talking about it online so had to rant about it here. So fucking stupid

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    Mathematically speaking running is better
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    But the water from the head will also go down and inevitably in the clothes anyway
  • 2
    @iiii They're only walking for a very short duration, they aren't getting soaked. That water will stay on the skin or bounce off, not drain fully to the clothes. I think it's a glaring flaw in their experiment.
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    There are quite a few experiments they did which I consider to be methodologically unsound. It doesn't necessarily even change the correct result. I understand the limitations of the show, but they do kind of undermine the whole point at times.
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    @powerfulparadox To be perfectly fair, they do a good job for it being reality TV, and for them being prop makers and not scientists. Their understanding of the scientific method could use a little bit of a boost, but often times they do include things like control entities etc etc. This was simply a pretty massive failure of the scientific method.
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    They revisited this did they not in a later episode, and found in *real* rain running was definitely better?
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    @AlmondSauce Haven't gotten to that episode yet
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