
Coworker: "Look our WebApp loads much faster in Chrome (0.8s) than in Firefox (4.6s). This clearly shows that Chrome has the better JS-Engine"

Me internally: "No, it just shows how bad your JS-Code is, and not optimized, you dense Mo**Fu**"

  • 17
    actually it shows both
  • 2
    @plusgut Yes, Chrome has the better JS-Engine, but it's negligent to blame it on simply that and do not try to optimize the code.
  • 13
    Tbh even if Firefox would be ten times slower than Chrome, I'd still happily use it over chrome.
  • 2
    It's hard to believe that ff takes 5-6 times longer because Chrome is 5-6 times faster. There is some other factor.
  • 0
    @CWins In some cases chrome/chromium is faster but in some cases Firefox as well for me (although I do not use chrome, chromium only)
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