
Where the fuck in my profile does it say that I have 10-12 years of Java server side experience?

If she actually looked at my LinkedIn, it says I graduates in 2011...

  • 2
    Most probably a bot.
  • 1
    @zee0331 hmm... Won't know LinkedIn allowed bots now to send messages
  • 1
    @billgates they don't but people find work arounds best they can
  • 0
    "Must Haves" are typically not what they seem in job descriptions. Usually even if you don't have 100% of their must haves, you can still be a very qualified candidate.
  • 1
    @mclark1129 10-12 yrs... I guess if they specified that... They're just screaming "we have no idea wtf we actually want and we're prolly idiots"

    Honestly what position features a developer with 10yrs of experience?
  • 0
    @billgates I'm not saying they're not looking for someone with 10-12 years experience, but that "must have" probably doesn't mean someone with 8 years couldn't apply.
  • 0
    What annoys me is that 10-12+ = 10+, why the f*ck won't you just use 10+
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