
That dumb coworker who worked with SELECT *; statements exclusively.

  • 0
    Seriously? Wow
  • 1
    Just so you guys can chill - he was fired after the first month. At that time it was me who had to clean up his mess though.
  • 0
    @csessh It is not and it is hard to understand my rant if you've never worked with sql. :)
  • 1
    I wouldnt lose sleep over it if the table has less than 1000 records and wont grow exponentially (eg an administrators table). Definitely not ideal for optimisation though.
  • 0
    That's some poor SQL
  • 0
    select * from * where * = *; i seriously have a co-worker that selected * from a table which is (legacy table) over 4 gb. everything broke. seriously. the whole of our client base lost evrything for an hour #poordesignchoicesmuch
  • 1
    @joetj don't forget ORDER *; (I know not valid but I'm keeping with the theme)
  • 2
    my coworker once put a 52 column table in a combo box
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