
What is the best place to brush up on C++?

  • 7
    In your IDE.
  • 3
    Cplusplus.com sololearn.com udemy.com w3schools.com
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    @erik404 that's a good place when you're comfortable with C++ and you're looking for practice.
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    @Crazed I believe the best way to learn programming is by practice. My teacher gave great example, you can't read a book about riding a bike and just go do it. You gotta practise it, you gonna fall down a few times, but eventually you are going to learn it. Unless you are a fucking pussy and you give up after falling down a few times.
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    code forces
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    If you don't know where to go, take a look at cppcon youtube channel and find a subject that tou like and work on it.
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