Blah blah blah, I don’t care, ChatGPT fixed my code and saved me bags of time. I’ll have none of your Luddite comments.

  • 4
    ooh, you will, can't block them ;)
  • 3
  • 3
    if chatGPT can fix your code, then you must simply suck at coding.
  • 0
    Well, you knew what was gonna happen when you posted this! So here goes:

    Don't forget to inform your manager that you can finally be fully replaced by chatGPT, because you're worse at your job than a statistical sentence generator :)
  • 2
    Someone told me this the other week.

    He came to the next day grovelling for help as there was another corner case he couldn't manage to fix with chatgpt - and at that point he didn't understand any of the code he'd written. Well, any of the code chatgpt had written, more accurately.
  • 0
    @tosensei It’s true I am shit at code, I only do basic web shit though.
  • 0
    @Hazarth It’s knowing what to ask to get the results you want. The beauty of it is that it explains the result a great learning tool. I fucking love it.
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