Can I just assume they meant experience instead of "innovation" ?
And wtf is "captivate dorm websites" 😂

For context am job hunting and this is a reply from a company. It seems to me though that their English is weaker then my Spanish (my 4th language). Jokes.

  • 3
    * Implemented flux capacitor in dorm Tardis
    * Brought development time to negative velocity
    * Supplied mushrooms for coworkers on magic Mondays
  • 1
    "captivate dorm websites."

    Shitty login screen to university Wi-Fi which you have to switch to the DNS the man wants you to use.
  • 1
    @Shardj Magic shrooms on magic Monday 😂

    @MANICX100 I see, thanks
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    @MANICX100 lol screw that
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    @soberGhost just part of the standard UK programmer's work week
  • 1
    Sounds kinky
  • 1
    incomprehensible! You gotta ask for clarification.

    I know - it feels bad to tell a recruiter they are unclear - because they might view you as someone who "doesn't get it" or a grammar nerd. But in this case the email is so bad it need to be said.

    Perhaps this could even be a test to see if you are a serious dev who cares about understanding your tasks - or a bullshit dev who is too scared to ask questions and will waste time pretending to understand stuff you don't understand.
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    Follow up: Asking for clarification is actually an important for western companies who outsource.

    I've been at two companies that used to outsource to India and China but had to replace them with native dev teams - one of the primary reasons was that they felt that if their instructions were unclear the outsource dev teams wouldn't dare ask any questions and instead just winged it and delivered something that was useless.

    Compared to native devs who communicate and are brutally honest and say "this specification is unclear, do you mean X?" and really care about understanding what the company actually wants, before they start working on it.
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    @jiraTicket If this was a test it makes it even weirder.
  • 1
    @soberGhost True. I really don't think it was. Maybe an auto correct error mistake or something. if you ask for clarification I'm sure they wouldn't see it as a negative
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