
If you haven't tried hyper terminal, I recommend you try it. I had never heard of it, but I'm loving it.

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    I heard it gets stuck with the 'yes' command
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    I've had issues with Hyper plug-in system. But you can also try UpTerm, which I find has much more interesting features. Build it from source though as the releases aren't up to date and have some nasty bugs.
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    Funny enough I tried it just today but going to stick with terminator for now 😂
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    Alright, I've been using Hyper for roughly three months and I think I've finally formed an opinion on it. Let me just spew out some of the Pro's and Con's that I've managed to find:


    1. The terminal is cross platform meaning you can pickup with the same familiar feel wherever you go.
    2. The terminal works well when you need it to, and doesn't break down when you don't.
    3. The terminal is customisable since it is built on Electron, and has a somewhat approachable community.

    1. It is an electron application which means it can take up to 100MB's of RAM in one session. During just basic directory navigation sessions I have hit 60+MB RAM usage. While it may not seem like a lot, but terminals usually stay <5MB RAM usage.
    2. It loads up slow. Like hellishly slow. I'm moving over to another terminal, and straight away it is noticeable. Hyper on Linux will take an easy 2-3 seconds to load up, which is unacceptable for a terminal.

    Just my two cents :) I'm now moving to another.
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    I see that someone has recommended UpTerm though.

    That looks promising, so I'm going to grab that tonight and check it out for a code session :)
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    Doesn't something so fancy defeat the purpose of a terminal? Is it an electronic app?
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