I took 5 hours to do something using Chat GPT that manually could've done in less than hour.

Am i cool or what? 😎

Fuck everyone who does the above

  • 10
    Also the benefit of using ChatGPT is that you don’t learn and don’t improve. 👍
  • 4
    I mean it would be cool if it was more correct as an code explination thing.

    Sometimes I'm looking at a bit of code and my brain is like herpa derp. Then slap in to chatgpt and on a very rare ocassion I'm like oooooooh shit. Yeah makes sense now.

    Honestly AI in the code space for now is decently good for scaffolding.

    What I predict it could be good at in the future is:
    - scaffolding
    - writing tests
    - explaining code

    But it's yet to be seen. We'll review in 5 years.
  • 0
    What was the 5 hour task that only takes < 1 hr with chatgpt?
  • 3
    @iceb creating the right prompt 😂. Its like people are relearning how to correctly do Google search
  • 11
    There's a reason I don't use ChatGPT when coding...
  • 1
    @iceb skill issue
  • 2
    Really don't get your complaints at all, ChatGPT is just there to save time, not do your job for you. Stick to tasks of convenience like "Create boilerplate code for a RESTful API using Express.js" into ChatGPT, that instantly gave me 74 lines of helpful code that would've taken me a lot longer. You seem to be using it wrong.
  • 6
    @bigmonsterlover and it apologizes if it’s wrong. Or right.
  • 3
    Don't you love it when you tell about mistake 1. It fixes it, then you tell it about mistake 2. Then about mistake 3, but it fucks up mistake 1 again.
  • 1
    @rootshell yes, happens all the time.
  • 1
    Well, the unnerving thing here is that in theory future iterations of ChatGPT could improve at an exponential pace - while we could not
  • 0
    @bigmonsterlover consistent
  • 0
    @Shardj unfortunately I've been using it wrong and it doesn't seem to be correcting me. All this time i thought the fault was in me. Thanks for making me realise its not me..
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