The first project I used Source Control with.

At my university, we were told that it would be a lot easier, and that we were required to use SVN, and not Git. Me not knowing much about either, decided to learn from two people who used Git.
Confused as I was how it all worked at first, we spent a couple hours trying to work out a work flow, and how we wanted to use it.

Eventually, I was like "Guys, I got it!" And explained how we should do it. Then then said
"That's how Git works"

We decided to use Git, and at the last minute shoved everything onto the school's SVN server they had for the team.

Been using Git ever since. Looking back, not sure why it was so hard, but I am glad to have found Git instead.

  • 3
    My first source control was Visual Source Safe. I'm still not sure how it works, but the short version of my experience is that I ended up losing access to my source and had to abandon the project. 😞
  • 4
    @Ashkin sounds like the source control decided to become access control.
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