
Chrome it's shit. I have been brainstorming in the CSS on a flexbox and its height of 100%.

My website works under Firefox.

The code to win tonight.

And you? You use which browser?

  • 0
    Ya it can be a pain sometimes. Is it collapsing the height?
  • 1
    Sure? Have you checked if it works in IE as well? 😏
  • 1
    I use firefox developers edition, still haven't found the difference from regular firefox, but it has dark theme as default (yay)
  • 1
    @IwraStudios it's a version between beta and alpha with some pre installed Dev tools.
  • 1
    I use Firefox cause I like it's dev tools better
  • 0
    I generally use Firefox for everything but I lately i had to use chrome because Firefox they removed one of the tab in network view in their developer tools
  • 0
    Flexbox (tag joke! I'm so sympy)

    I'm a proud Chrome user. But keep in mind I'm not a web developer. The only web-related thing I've done is a small Telegram Bot for myself :P
  • 1
    @IwraStudios @ctwx I use dev edition primarily and then test in the others. Love the dark theme for the dev tools.
  • 0
    I'm a Firefox user! For a big part because fuck Google :P
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    Firefox on Windows and Chromium on Linux.
  • 0
    Firefox on windows or ubutnu. Brave for Android.
  • 0
    On Mac and iPhone I use safari for various reasons but mainly because I want developers to hate me, occasionally I'll use Firefox (like for Netflix cause fuck HDCP), and on Windows I'll always definitely use Firefox unless I'm on a school computer or something where Firefox isn't installed.
  • 0
    No, the site doesn't work with ie. I will change my code.

    Firefox developer is the best browser.
  • 0
    I use firrfox for browsing and mobile, but use chrome for js development. When ysing webpack, on firefox, it flattens the file structures and I cannot make head or tails of it.
  • 0
    Opera. I use WhatsApp a lot.
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