
Just wanted to say a 'thank you' to all people who bear with my privacy stuffs! I know quite some people who installed messaging apps, signed up to privacy services and so on, solely because --> I <-- want to communicate in private and I realise (I've always realized that though) that that can be tough sometimes.

Also a thank you to those people for not requiring me to get data fed into the big companies :).


  • 0
    I recently looked at some vpn providers. Which one do you use?
  • 7
    @Jifuna I use RA4W VPN. I do NOT recommend it as I read some new information about it yesterday and fuck I am scared to use it now. But anyways, I recommend NordVPN and of course, AirVPN! I love PrivateInternetAccess (PIA) as well but it's US based so yah :/
  • 1
    @linuxxx okay thx!
  • 11
    @theNSA just ++'d this rant. 😰
  • 1
    I was thinking about trying out Nord recently but I suppose I probably should've thought to ask you for a recommendation as well @linuxxx 😅....@theNSA 👻 woah I'm shook.
  • 1
    @KidLaser I don't know everything about it but yeah I've done quite some research! No hurt feelings though :P
  • 1
    @linuxxx I haven't paid for anything yet so I'm glad this rant exists haha.
  • 1
    @KidLaser I can recommend NordVPN a lot, unless there's some new incriminating evidence but haven't seen any yet :)
  • 0
    @wolt I use openvpn quite frequently but still need something dedicated and trustworthy ya'know?
  • 3
    @wolt I also have that, just use a combination because with torrenting they could request the payment information from the VPS provider aaaaaand then I'd be fucked.
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  • 2
    @Jifuna this is a long shot but you can set up your own vpn at scaleway if you wanna fiddle around with that
  • 1
    @theNSA It's been known (literally, look at their terms of service) that Opera is owned by a chinese company and that they record/log a lot through that VPN service
  • 3
    @Jifuna i use protonVPN and am happy with it so far. Don't see impact on speed, which was a concern of mine.
  • 0
    @QueenMorgana Which plan are you using at ProtonVPN?
  • 1
    @Naptic i think the highest one thinking i was going to use mail, but i haven't set that up yet. I have it on my phone and my mom's phone and desktop, too.
  • 1
    @lumi Switzerland has approved a big ass surveillance law I thought
  • 1
    @linuxxx be careful With nord payments.

    After that I disabled the renew
    Paymentwall sent to me the payment reminder. That shouldn't happen.

    And I solved the problem only after 10 "useless" emails to nord & payment wall.

    Saying "useless" i mean emails like:

    Nord: I can't see any payment from you

    Me: how can this be possibile? Here my recipe.

    Nord: your renew is disabled you shouldn't recive any reminder.

    Me: yes I know, but I received one.

    Nord support is really fast to respond but is not very helpful.
  • 0
    I use PIA and live in the U.K.

    Is PIA the devil?
  • 0
    OVPN. Look into their services and actions. Located in sweden. Servers operate without hard drives. Premium price for premium quality.
  • 0
    What do you all think of https://www.expressvpn.com?
  • 0
    @SSDD They're highly respectable and I love them tbh but they're US located which means they'd have to comply with any fucked up US govt monitoring etc request
  • 0
    @lumi Yup Switzerland is going the same bad way :/
  • 0
    @lumi xD. Take a look at NordVPN maybe?
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