
Holy shit stain, an under) today it was discovered that an underprivileged university scholarship student had accidentally received an allowed of 14mil instead of 1.4k over 8 months she spent 800k of it.

I am not sure what confuses me more, the fact that it took a company 8 months to realise 14mil was missing or the fact that a person was stupid enough to believe they allowed to spend that mistake, yet be smart enough to be accepted into university.

  • 5
    That's not being stupid, that's taking advantage of a situation. What laws did she break? I was once overpaid when I was at a student worker and they basically had to beg me to give the money back, because they couldn't do it legally.
  • 2
    @jaread misappropriation apparently, they taking legal action against her.

    Remember, this is not a salary for working, this is a government food and housing allowance, which was paid in error and never reported by her.

    I don't know about your country, but here if you accidentally overpaid on your salary, it's your problem and while they most likely won't ask you for it back, you sure as shit are getting that taken out of your next salary.
  • 1
    Care to provide links to the law and the original story?
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    @jaread she probably did break a few laws. Most scholarships have very strict guidelines on how they are to be used. It's not just "free money" it's for education.
  • 2
    And she can only use that money in specific places so she was fully aware of it being wrong. People are such trash
  • 1
    Welcome to RSA mate.
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