
Biggest hurdle for me is living with Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder. A neurological disease which affects the way my body makes melatoline. Basicly I have a set wake/sleep pattern which is extremely hard to deviate from. My sleeptime is 7am and wake up time 4pm.

I worked for 8 years forcing myself to be at the office at 9am because thats the social norm. Got 2 burnouts due to being sleepdeprived, various other issues and whatnot.

Finally discovered whats wrong with my body 3 years ago and found a awesome job at a company where I develop very complex systems which communicate with various stock exchanges.

Best part is that I work on my own and have the deal that I work about 3 to 5 hours a day on site. Then I go home have dinner, do some netflix and chill with the misses and after that I have the whole night just for me. When the world is asleep I am writing code, developing a complex system with NOBODY around me who can annoy me!

For me, this is the biggest hurdle I've overcome.

  • 19
    Note to self. Do like @erik404 and listen to your damn body. This business of working yourself into the ground is a bad idea.
  • 1
    That's complicated way of working I just work until sleep gets into my eyes and I can't look at my 💻 anymore I then ⛔ and regain my energy 🔋 to wakeup and start 💼 again
  • 2
    @kunashe Yes. Listen to your body, a burnout sucks man. Life feels so much better now I work the way I please. It just flows and sparks insane amounts of creativity.
  • 7
    It's so good to read that you have overcome this obstacle and found a place that you fit into. I'm genuinely happy for you! Congrats! 🎉🎉
  • 2
    Must have been tough during those times, bud. I'm glad to hear you managed ;)
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    I need me an opportunity like this ...
  • 2
    Man, I didn't know this is a diagnosable disease. I so need to see my doctor!
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  • 1
    and changing timezone would help? or would you adapt to the daylight?
  • 1
    @fonfi read up dsps/dspd, it's actually pretty common but misdiagnosed a lot.
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    @heyheni would work for a couple of days but then my body "resets".

    What I sometimes do when I need to be somewhere before noon is to skip a night sleep. Sometimes I manage to have a couple of days with a "normal" sleepcycle but my body resets within a couple of days.

    Weirdest part is that I can be so damn tired the whole day and practicly can fall a sleep instantly until the sun sets and it gets dark. I get energized and full of creativity and ideas.

    It also has it perks.. where lots of people use drugs to party till sunrise I just need to eeehh be myself.
  • 0
    @daniloaugusto take good care for yourself, being sleepdeprived as your default state is killing. Talk to a neurologist, ask for a polysomnography test and a melatoline test.
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