
Research project is failing, bruh I just wanna die

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    What do you mean? Like the build is failing?
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    @Lensflare no, the idea doesn’t work on one example, severely memory bounded
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    At least you know it's failing.
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    It's a research project. Most of them are supposed to fail.

    You come up with the idea, you try to prove it can/can't work, then the ones that work get to move on.

    The majority of my R&D experience has been failures, don't worry too much about it. Failures are still valuable data.
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    @lungdart bruh my PhD is going away from me
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    @K-ASS Talk to your supervisor(s)! Just because the results are different from what was expected should not kill your PhD. It‘s the core of research to test assumptions. If you did that in a scientific manner & methodologically correct your PhD is independent from the outcome.
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    Not a PhD myself, but I don't they withhold the degree if your research proves your hypothesis false.
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    @lastNick amen. proving what doesn't work is the backbone of science
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    That’s why it’s called research. Understand what it’s failing is an integral and important part.
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    @K-ASS of course I don't know specifics but we found ways to make IO bound work more CPU bound, can't you do the reverse, convert the memory bound work to more CPU or IO bound work? You can look at Redis for examples, there's everything from compression to bloom/cuckoo filters.
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    @lungdart Using scientific methods to prove a hypothesis false also results in a PhD degree.
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    @K-ASS Any news on the response from your PhD supervisor(s)?
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    @lastNick no he’s busy, he’s pretty chill though so it’s just me panicking
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    @lastNick damn that follow up is impressive. Are you a manager perchance?
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    @MammaNeedHummus I indeed manage small projects but that case reminds me of my PHD and my former jobs at universities. I hate to see bachelor/master/PhD students fail for unnecessary reasons.
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