
Just a quick update (been a little) on the privacy website!

Although both the frontend and the backend need quite some work, I managed, with the help of some other guys, to get everything (only for the IM section yet for now) loaded from the database instead of hardcoded! Yes, that also means that the tiny icon colors are either red or green based on database values :).

Going to keep working on this tomorrow in the hopes I can also get some other subjects ready.


  • 24
    And yes, those misplaced tiny icons also OCD the living crap out of me!
  • 8
    @PaddiM8 Yeah same here! It's just that they aren't really pictures but in browser generated SVG's so gotta figure out how to align them :P
  • 3
    This site is going to be lit, lol when is that contributor-registration thing going to be ready!? 😆 Let's start building this thing up @linuxxx -senpai!!
  • 8

    So far it looks like it'll be easy to understand and find information. 🤗🤗🤗
  • 7
    @QueenMorgana Thanks! ❤︎ that's hopefully going to happen yes.

    @KidLaser Already been working on an invite system :). Top priority next to the general pages is of course getting the CMS to work itself first 😆
  • 2
    @linuxxx Flex? Or, give each one a fixed height/width, make the SVG a background image and background-position bottom
  • 9
    @linuxxx this is coming along well already! Great job! ❤️❤️❤️
  • 5
    @itsdaniel0 will look into that tomorrow, thanks!

    @MissDirection Thank you! ❤︎
  • 1
    @PaddiM8 it's not good idea to align using tables. Just use divs?
  • 1
    @PaddiM8 because tables are for ... tables. You should Google for detailed answers.
  • 1
    @linuxxx I would love to contribute to front-end (also backend if you are using laravel or php). Please tag me when you setup an invite system.
  • 1
    Very nice :-)
  • 0
    Why is the top icons unaligned?
  • 0
    @Linux the icons are in svg and the senpai has been having a difficult time with working out the alignment of them, trust me dude it bothers him more than it bothers you lol.
  • 0
    Do u.need help on the frontend. Holy shit get those icons aligned
  • 1
    Syntax and Semantics OCD triggered!

    You don't use capital letters for the pros and cons!

    Otherwise good job mate!
  • 0
    @Noob True haha! I'm looking for a way to do that with something similar to ucfirst in php but then for a whole sentence :)
  • 1
    @PaddiM8 Thanks!
  • 0
    @linuxxx I am wondering if the icons themselves are pros and cons.
  • 0
    @nblackburn They're not pro's cons. They simply display if a service 'has' something. If you don't care about something like open source for example you don't have to look at those open source icons but I'd you'd care about apps/services which have had audits, you can (with your eyes) filter out everything that hasn't been audited :)
  • 0
    @linuxxx I see so they are like features.
  • 0
    @nblackburn Not that either uhm we call them capabilities haha
  • 1
    @linuxxx That's a better word but it's the same sort of thing as i was going for.
  • 1
    @linuxxx is your backend PHP?
  • 1
    @nblackburn Yeah gotta work on an explanation!

    @Noob Linux, NginX+Apache (dedicated + vm), PHP and MySQL (gonna switch to noSQL as soon as I learn that though :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx in PHP you can use ucfirst() just as you mentioned. (converts the first character of a string to uppercase)
    I don't quite understand what you mean by saying "for whole sentence". You can also use ucwords(), but it will look silly. (converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase)
    Or simply strtoupper(), which alao wouldn't look well.
    I suggest just typing the strings well formatted :)

    Also why noSQL? Your site seems very organized and following strict, repeating schemas. I'd actually stay with LAMP.
  • 0
    @Noob Okay and how would I get the first character of a sentence? Yet another explode is a nahh for me :) (they're saved as some kind of delimited string)
  • 0
    @Noob Well the site might expand with loads of features and nosql is more flexible with that stuff :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx if the sentence is one string you can just use ucfirst(string)
  • 0
    @Noob Oo really? That works on strings?!
  • 1
    @linuxxx Yeah, of course :D
    I just don't remember whether it's an in place change or it returns a new string.
  • 2
    @Noob Oh don't give a crap about that! Thanks muchies! 😊
  • 2
    @linuxxx mind sharing the URL on which the site will be accessible when it's done? :D (so i can bookmark it)
  • 3
    @ThoughtfulDev I'll do that tomorrow once I clean up that site :)
  • 3
    @ThoughtfulDev The final (for now) url will be: https://privacy.fossl.xyz :)
  • 2
    @linuxxx this shit is hot👌
  • 1
    @linuxxx Love that it'd an xyz TLD!
  • 0
    @linuxxx please don't make such statements about a mental disorder, it's rude especially to a community which often actually have these kind of disorders.

    Also signal is great, wifi texting to others who use it, encryption, nice feel, and feels like it was made better than the default Android texting app
  • 0
    You should try Wix, it's easy to align with drag and drop
  • 2
    @TheVariant Where did I make such a statement?
  • 2
    @TheVariant @ThatDude must be the ocd thingy, just scrolled through all comments.
    Over here it's very common to joke about it ESPECIALLY with people who genuinely have it and they're 99% of the time fine with it. I probably have a lightweight version of it myself and I joke about it a lot.
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