Avoid Jetbrains products if you value your sanity.

For the last several months, my settings and stored database credentials are wiped out at random. Meaning code styles, indention settings, keymaps, database settings, plugins, local change history, cache, all of it are reset to factory default at random, costing me hours trying to restore it all.

I've updated and it is still happening.

The moral of the lesson is to not pay for dev tools, lest you become reliant on them. You definitely don't get what you're paying for anymore.

  • 3
    Why not add the settings to the repo?
  • 7

    But if that was a common bug, everyone would get crazy.

    While I think you're right regarding not buying products on a whim, I'd really check up with YouTrack / Jetbrains support what's going on.
  • 1
    Did you accidentally join the "Early Access Program"?
  • 0
    How old is your ssd?
  • 4
    I love jetbrains products, stored my settings in a repo
  • 3
    A better moral would be to always back up config files, this could happen to software that doesn't have a superior alternative.
  • 0
    I lost my sanity years ago, its better over here anyway.
  • 1

    YMMV, but if you are referring to Rider vs VS for UE development, they are night and day.

    VS and intellisense simply choke with UE macros and generated headers, fails to properly follow go to declaration/find references, and autocomplete barely works.

    Rider has done an excellent job to integrate the IDE with UE code *oh so much* better.

    On the other hand, Rider consumes 4x the resources, which combined with UE itself can easily make your PC choke.
  • 2
    One is always reliant on the tools one uses.
    Think the key takeaway would be to have backups. Not don't use ... tools.
    Of course you only want to use reliable tools (like others stated jetbrains make some reliable stuff and have good support). Hope you get everything sorted. It's a pain.
  • 1
    Bruh I just store all my settings on github
  • 0
    I do back up my settings, at least now I do. But the backups don't keep the credentials for my servers, meaning I have to set those back up every time it resets, which takes about 30 minutes.

    When it resets and I restore a backup, it doesn't always restore my code style and keymaps profile choice, so when I reformat a document and it gets janked up unexpectedly, I have to go in, choose my profiles AGAIN, and remember what it was I was doing.

    Individually, these things don't seem like a lot of time lost, but when they completely rip you out of your groove, it could mean an hour of getting back into it.

    Add to that the lost confidence in my tools means I'm never quite sure when my morning will be derailed by a problem that I didn't cause that I am paying good money to be subjected to.
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