I received a ticket today that said

"The customer can access the app fine if they're at their home, but when they occasionally go to the desert they can't access the app"

You can't make this stuff up.

Someone please kill me.

  • 2
  • 12
    Review: Bad accessibility! 1/5 stars
  • 2
  • 18
    App goes offline while diving. App works fine when swimming on the surface. Please remove anti-diving DRM.
  • 29
    Demand a work trip to the desert to test it. Maybe to several deserts to be sure.
  • 2
    Because God has a sense of humor, you die and end up in hell to deal with idiots like this FOR ETERNITY. muhahahahahahahaha
  • 4
    depends on the app, but if you're targeting users in 1st world countries like USA (has infamous offline deserts) and Germany (has reliable internet nearly nowhere) you should always consider offline functionality as an implicit top priority
  • 6
    When I go outside I cannot see my phone screen if too bright. So I call tech support to fix.
  • 3
    @fraktalisman we go to remote places to avoid the electrical parts of society. There is nothing infamous about areas with no internet in the USA. The USA has more areas without phone service than with. It is a big place. If you are near a major highway you usually can get service. People who bring everything electronic don't know how to detach. That is not healthy.
  • 3
    Must be Jawa fault
  • 0
    @Alexanderr Yes we do. Google it if you must.
  • 1
  • 1
    Label as "Safari" and pass onto QA for testing.
  • 1
    @cprn you are the hero we needed. lol
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