
Was trying out React Native and creating a Hello World, I checked the file size and it was about 465mb, and I just thought it was nonsense, then I checked the size of the node module and it was 465mb...smh

god damn node modules man!

  • 3
    This. Every god damn time. Node apps in general (particularly the likes of React and React Native) have taken complete leave of their senses when it comes to this kind of thing.
  • 1
    I don't get it. What is the problem with node_modules taking 465mb?
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    @tahnik it is when you have a 128GB drive :v
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    @tahnik dude, the app is so small in size comparde to the node module, its just crazy
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    @tahnik I get this response quite a lot when I complain about this part of the node/JS ecosystem. To get a piece of code to do relatively so little but still requiring a foundation of that size - something is very, very broken somewhere.

    I get that all of that won't be deployed, but versioning and module re-use inside that node_modules folder is easily one of the worst pieces of software architecture in history. And developers reliance on a module to do simple things is also something which causes me pain.
  • 2
    @savethecode as @CrankyOldDev said, those never goes to production. Your compiled app is only couple of kilobytes to megabytes.

    @CrankyOldDev If you want to compile something, you need the SDK. Any SDK will be couple of hundreds megabyte. And one of the reason behind react native node_modules are so big is because it has to support both android and ios.

    What is the problem with versioning? Module re-use was a problem before, not now.
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    @tahnik yes but it just dont make sense why its so heavy, when the app is so light, im not talking about production but just working on it
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