

One forgets so quickly how a bad internet connection feels like.

God I think I cant bear this 1mbit, 500ms ping shit connection. Feels like 2002 all over again.
Please dear internet gods, send help!!!

  • 2
    I had no idea you could even get a Internet connection that slow. Their are good things about it though. If you setup a cache server and start using traffic controls. You may well learn how to maximize your experience.
  • 4
    @skprog hmm, good idea. I should take it as a challenge. ASCII porn here i come.
  • 4
    @sorny I was once forced to use legit dial up for a week once (like 50kibs lol) so I used one of my servers to act as a proxy and made a custom webserver to cut out everything unnecessary (like images, you would get a grey box to click to start loading it) and some compression magic. Loading google went from 30s to about 5s :)
  • 1
    Mine is 150-300kbs x.x
  • 0
    Until 5 years ago I was hovering around 250 kB/s. Unless it's was 2 a.m. then it would go up to 500 kB/s and I could finally watch 480p videos without having to buffer/download them.
  • 1
    Ranted enough to make my airbnb host install a fibreglas internet connection tomorrow... nice 😍
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