
im not laid off (yet?)

but my company is doing layoffs , and it's my first time experiencing this

any tips on coping in such uncertainty and misery

i know when i get some spare time it's going to be time to update resume, leetcode and cold application hell to try and cover my bases

  • 5
    Start preparing for interviews. Regardless of what your employment status will be tomorrow.
  • 3
    Prepare like you are going to be laid off. Then when you are not, breath easier. Heck, go on interviews. Maybe you can negotiate a raise or just bail. But don't talk about it. Otherwise they might put you on the list.
  • 2
    I would start sending out my resume already.

    Why wait? You still have a job, your ass is not yet burning. Use that time to get a backup plan, should you need to execute it.
  • 1
    I've been laid off twice and I've always found a better job afterwards. Being laid off is so common that it's not taboo anymore. People won't think you were laid off because you were incompetent. So, allow yourself to be stressed about this for a few days and then realise that life moves on. If you found one job you can always find another. Be sure to ask your colleagues for references to other companies.
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    I can understand the anxiety that OP is experiencing. But as others have said: start preparing.

    Always assume the worst, even if you are the most technically proficient member of your team and the entire codebase lies within your knowledge, prepare. The decision to cut you off will not be your immediate supervisor's decision, so even if the dude tells the company/org about you being paramount to the success of the mission, some pendejo might still cut you loose. It is cause for worry, specially if you have a lot of expenses as most people do, but PREPARE, polish that resume, pimp your linkedin profile, and specially: BULLSHIT YOUR WAY to another job as soon as possible.
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    @AleCx04 source:

    I am involved in firings, and even though I advocate for the people they are releasing, some VP might still be stupid enough to let them go. It has worked in my favor in a lot of situations, but never underestimate people's stupidity
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