
Does anyone actually develop in Notepad++? I can't bring myself to do it because the UI is so dated nowadays, but the syntax suggestions are really good.

  • 3
    For quick edits and changes it works well. Or a string search wothout grep.
    Though i never used it to its fullest.
  • 1
    @jacoKotze That's how I use it as well. Do some changes in some config file. The other day I was editing the DosBox config for Daggerfall, and it seemed to have a complete set of suggestions out of the box.
  • 1
    I am sure one can install suggestions for certain things. When i devd LOVE2D miniganes out of boredom i used a suggestions addon for npp.
  • 0
    I used to use it for creating DDL, then switched to Atom, and finally Visual Studio Code. I still use NP++ for writing quick notes, VSC for almost everything else.
  • 1
    I use it full time and i love it. Tried to use others like sublime atom or vsc but np++is the one i like the most
  • 0
    Used it for quite a number of years and still have it installed if needed. Found out sublime can do everything it can do (so far) so I've been using that with a nice theme and color scheme.
  • 1
    I use it if it fits the job.
  • 2
    I prefer sublime text.
    Notepad ++ ist good for very large files, sublime struggles in that regard.

    But a proper IDE above every editor for projects.
    I really fancy the jetbrains products.
  • 0
    In the free tier I prefer VSCode.
    Only use sublime when I need a notepad with syntax highlights
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