Our testers want us devs to start paying 50 cents for each bug the testers find. But they won't agree to paying us devs 50 cents for each bug that makes it into production.

  • 24
    How about they take your place for a project and then see how hard it is for large projects make it bug free from the first hit
  • 50
    How about they stick that 50 cent up their ass every time they find a bug.
  • 34
    @gitpush I told them if there are no bugs they won't have a job ;)
  • 2
    @Procatstinator I hope they understood it as: shut the fuck up and get back to work lol
  • 6
    It is part of their job to find bugs. I give users t-shirts.
  • 4
    @jAsE Yea. It's been kind of like a coin jar by the end of the month. And then when someone asks if they pulled it out of their arse they can go "actually, yea, I did"
  • 4
    I find the production bug payment model more justified.
    Developers should only pay up when they write hard/untestable code. Perhaps also for easily avoidable bugs (like hardcoding shit)

    generally I'm against moneypots but keeping a scoreboard might be fun.
  • 1
    Guess it's only fair
  • 0
    I just went to a meetup about test driven development and I'm pretty sure the fear of the testers is legit (when using tdd)
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