This really pisses me off. As a front end developer (ember.js, HTML and Css) colleagues and boss and pm are always making jokes how I just need to change a button or a color and whenever there is a bug in the UI there's always big fun and jokes around it. But when there's a bug in the API, they never joke around, it's just : oh yeah we're getting the wrong data or an exception. But they always like to undervalue UI work even when it involves complex layouts, multi browser compatibility, responsive design, mobile browsers etc.. While they just code their API to connect to a database and everything works they don't really need to worry about what the user is using as a browser. They just get requests and send replies. I don't really think people value the work in front end as much as backend and that pisses me off as I believe there's a lot more going on in the front end.. I know they mean well and they are all cool people but sometimes it pisses me off as they don't value my work..

  • 11
    Both are equally important and difficult. Why do people even argue about this?
  • 4
    But it's just the color of a button, right?
  • 6
    @GinjaNinja no sometimes it's a border as well...
  • 1
    @trickory I'm not trying to start a thread about back VS frontend, it's just that they belittle UI here..
  • 0
    Oooo yes! I forgot the border...
  • 3
    Because GUIs are for muggles.
    That makes you, essentially, a blood traitor of the programming community.
  • 1
    This problem only exists because of people like you -,..,-

    @castihell definetly feel you bro. Always got that problem in the past. One simple trick is to just do exactly what they what not more not less. As soon as they come up with something like "why does the button not change on hover ? " you tell em "you didn't told me to do that". And if that process repeats they probably start thinking about how valuable front-end is.
  • 0
    I've always thought that if something looks "easy" it will still be difficult to be "good" at it becouse if it is "easy" there's always space for more effort to make it better, thus making the "easy" job "difficult" and of course, the results good. I know that this can't apply to anything but in disciplines, jobs, games, and the kind of stuff in which there's an incentive to be better, this can be easily seen.

    Thus, I believe both front and backend are difficult, becouse there's always room for improvement.
  • 1
    I wish I was better at frontend, what you could do in 10 minutes would probably take me 2 hours :(
  • 0
    Feel your pain. I would consider my self a front end engineer. I am not a designer, although I have a lot of respect for them. I make architectural design decisions and more often than not my angular application is more readable and maintainable then the backend crap some of the other devs on the team write. So annoying because they don't understand what it takes to build a sophisticated UI so they look down on it when in reality working with streams of data and observances can start to become extremely complex.
  • 0
    Feel ya man... Full-stack here, all my colleagues(that is a really f***ing hard word to spell) are designers and they yell at me all the time: "Hey man, what's taking you so long with the website?! I got ## designs done this week!"
  • 0
    My best paid friends are all in the frontend side.

    Having done both on my own projects, I'd say that frontend is significantly harder to do for any project where you don't expect massive scalability from the backend. The standards are just really high there and users don't want to use anything that feels like crap.
  • 0
    Next time they joke about it remove all your commits from history make a commit called change button colour (write a css file "/*yeah do it yourself jokers good luck!*/").
    Tell your team you made a mistake in git and they have to force pull.

    There is no reason for this kind of disrespect. A little banter is no problem but this has obviously gone far beyond that.

    I'm probably considered to be a full stack developer but do mostly backend and infrastructure. I think this is very sad and hope our designer never feels this way
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