
Hello beautiful. Finally got fiber installed. For my girlfriend and me. Not that we really need it... But you know...

(Wifi reaches up to 170 on 5Ghz)

  • 14
    Holy shit that's fast
  • 5
    Omg i want that net
  • 4
    Nice!! We have this too \m/
  • 12
    Oh, boy... and I got to deal with 64kbs :(
  • 15
  • 2
    that moment you have to deal with 1 10th of op's wifi speed 😭
  • 5
    Now do some relationship goals shit 😂
    Watch porn together or something 😝😨

    That's fucking damn fast !!
    Enjoy 😄
  • 4
    @maykdev 1/100th the speed for me...
  • 7
    Where do you live that residential fibre

    1) is that fast
    2) that fast is sold
    3) doesn't cost an arm and a leg
  • 4
    Ffs, looking at this feels so unreal.

    Edit: i didn't even notice the ping. What the actual fuck thats just sick.😂
  • 3
    @TheCapeGreek Fiber7 is a swiss company and the server he's connecting to is in Zürich which is in Switzerland. So he's most probably from Switzerland. The fiber7 gigabit plan costs 65 Swiss francs (68$) and is only available in urban regions.
  • 1
    @Aaronmacaron sounds like a bargain compared to prices here!
  • 2
    @TheCapeGreek this is only the monthly price. A year costs 777 swiss francs.
  • 1
    @Aaronmacaron sounds reasonable enough?
  • 1
    @TheCapeGreek what are the prices in your country then?
  • 2
    Europe actually has the lowest prices - be it for Internet access or servers. Unfortunately, not in all countries. In Germany the average is 6mbps for about $50, in Austria there are 100mbps for $30 and 400mbs for $50, in the Netherlands I had LTE via mobile phone (unlimited data volume) for about $20 per month.

    Now, in Portugal, I pay about $40 for 64kbs. But that's more because I'm on the beach and in the suburbs. In the larger cities 4G (LTE) is available.
  • 1
    @tracktraps Do you live in the middle of nowhere? 40€ for those speeds? That sounds like a rip off (but I live in the city, so LTE and 100/100 fiber)
  • 2
    @milkbytes Well, I've been traveling around the world in a RV for five years. At the moment I'm in Portugal for the winter. Mobile telephony is the only alternative - except for satellite (about $70 for 5mbs und 100GB data volume + each time $10 for additional 100 GB), which is really expensive. In addition, every time you change the time zone or satellite, $100 is added. Don't forget that you have to buy the satellite dish and all the equipment yourself - or you can rent it for another $50 a month.
  • 1
    My mobile connection is unlimited data, 300/300 mb/s. That's 23 € per month here in Finland. I think Estonia got it even cheaper. I guess this is some of the good parts of living in Europe vs USA and some other places

    Getting a gigabit fiber here is about 50 €/month
  • 1
    @vertti What about the weather in Finland in spring? Want to continue my journey after winter and look for the next country.
  • 1
    @tracktraps haha it's probably cold for you all year round here, depending on where you come from. Maybe that's why we enjoy staying indoors with a high speed internet
  • 1
    @vertti Well, right now it's about 27 °C (80 °F) here in Portugal (Algarve). A little warmer during the day.
  • 1
    @tracktraps here it's 5-10 C now during daytime, about zero at night. It'll be subzero soon. Late spring is I guess like this, or early summer
  • 2
    @vertti It's way too cold for me :( Finland is such a beautiful country, too bad it's so freezing cold.
  • 1
    @tracktraps haha yes this coldness is depressing. And it's even the warm season here now. Better stay where you are I'm sure it's more beautiful there. Just secure yourself a better internet connection
  • 2
    Now you just need a laptop with .11ad! And pray your favorite chair gets a good signal 😂
  • 1
    What the actual fuck ?
  • 2
    I want to live in your bandwidth.
  • 4
    @Wack I'm more jealous of that ping! Or were you testing against the closest server? Also did you just post your real IP?
  • 1
    @tracktraps That's really cool! Still, even when I go camping (I'm a river scout), I usually get at least 3G speeds. You must be in a really remote area
  • 1

    That's where I'm camping right now. But during the day I'm mostly by the beach.
  • 1
    @tracktraps Weird, I have some friends in Tavira (it's close from where you are) and they don't have many issues with coverage.
  • 1
    @milkbytes Thanks for the tip. Tavira is almost around the corner, I think ~ 10 miles away. I'll go there tomorrow and see if the Internet is better there.
  • 2
    @LrdShaper I used speedtest.net. If I'm not wromg they usually use the closest server for measurement. And about the IP: well it was back then, now it's another ip. (Plus if I'll get the same ip again, I got a honeypot running on the router ;))
  • 2
    I use FiOS Gigabit!
  • 2
    @milkbytes I was in Tavira today. In fact, the Internet connection is faster. 250-300 KB/sec down, 50 KB/sec up. This doesn't break any speed records, but at least the Internet is reasonably usable and Youtube works perfectly with 480p.

    Thank God I have a RV and can live where I want. Stay in Tavira for the time being - is also much closer to the ocean btw :)
  • 1
    @tracktraps Nice! While it's not a major upgrade, it's an upgrade non the less 😉
  • 2
    You could literally download a full HD movie in 40 seconds and easily pull 4K streaming from 10+ devices... I think I just came. Have fun!
  • 1
    Your DL drops from 930 down to 170 on WiFi? Thats some serious dropage. I get 250 Mbps DL while hardwired and 200 Mbps on WiFi.
  • 2
    @TheCapeGreek You can get gigabit internet in Canada for about $140-$150 CAD (~$120 USD) a month as long as you're around a major city like Toronto or Montreal
  • 1
    @sslPoodle Google Fiber isn't available outside of the US, unfortunately 😔
  • 1
    Holy fuck that’s fast.. 💨 I am pretty sure that isn’t Australia! Fuck you NBN!
  • 1
    Can the ping go any lower ? That’s too slow
  • 1
    @dukekiller nope that isn't Straya. It's in Switzerland. But didn't like your old government started to tole out fibre for all which the new one then stoped? I thought I read somewhere that parts of Sydney have fibre connections while other still have slow ones because of it.
  • 2
    Another fiber7 user in Zürich :)
    But Whow yours is fast. I currently have 780 Mbps up and 468 Mbps down... Hmm...
  • 1
    @Dollique what kind of router are you using with it? And where in Zurich do you live (although that shouldn't have an impact)?
  • 1
    @Wack ZyXEL Armor Z1. I live in Schlieren, but I don't think that matters.
  • 1
    @Dollique we use the Turris Omnia, I kind of like the OpenHardware approach, plus access to the Linux System.
    We're in Wittikon.
  • 2
    @Wack it’s called the NBN. And the gov has stuffed it up as usual. So you get fibre to the local node and it’s copper to your house. What a shit idea! And they are selling this as ultra fast fibre . Shitheads
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