JavaScript is the ugly girl freshman year with glasses and acne. Typescript is the beautiful women she became senior year and won prom queen. Hate on JavaScript all you want because it was a language written in 2 weeks but the new releases with es6 and now typescript are a far cry from the js people were written back in the day. The times they are a changing -Bob Dylan.

  • 2
    I think devRant was made in js
  • 6
    Typescript was a wonderful idea which I embraced from the very start and created a medium sized app in it.

    After a couple of months it was time to add some features, improve it. So I fired up everything, updated dependencies, and none of my typescript compiled any more, because they managed to change half of the syntax in that time. I was so sorry that I chose to write it in typescript.

    "No more", I said. From now on all JS code should be written in JS. And then this crap happened: Babel, jsx, Angular2 in Typescript. It's like they want devs to suffer.
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    @AndSoWeCode i do like typescript but yes I know what you are saying.

    How many type of imports exports are there nowadays with all those javascript transpilers.
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    @calmyourtities devrant is based on php afaik, but also has its fair share of js like youd expect from any other modern webapp.
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    @bioDan no, I was referring to the mobile apps
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    @AndSoWeCode Time will tell. I can imagine the old mainframe assembly engineers scoffing at the younger developers when they tried to introduce C.

    Ken: "Hey, check out this new language, C. It uses plain english and it can do everything we ... "
    Bob: "No, no no...oh my gosh...look at all those wasted characters. A 'compiler'? Who needs that? Nobody! "
    Ken: "But..but...it's easy to understand, easy to read, and anyone can pick this up."
    Bob: "Exactly. If someone doesn't understand how to update the accounting algorithm by manipulating the base offset memory address in Assembly, they should never get into this field. You kids....get back to inserting those punch cards and let the grown ups do the important work."

    If/when the tooling improves (no more Node, no command prompts, visual IDE integration, etc) , Typescript and frameworks/libraries like React and Angular will 'replace' raw javascript development.
  • 1
    @calmyourtities oh i see.. :)
    i was refering to the backbone of devrant
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    @Jop- I never worked with dart. Seemed like a good idea, but now it's dead, ain't it?
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    @PaperTrail you're preaching to the choir. The problem is that there are hundreds of people with too much self esteem that do crap and push it into mainstream.
    I wasted days upgrading 3 month old code just so that it would compile again. Is that normal? Is that productive?
    Half of the mainstream libraries out there don't even have an up to date documentation, it's literally a big load of smelly crap, that lots of people use and push others to use it too, that breaks entirely on new versions.

    I get that stuff should be updated and old stuff should be abandoned, but that is far from the ideal of any entrepreneur. And this is exactly how most JS stuff is nowadays - screw backwards compatibility, let's fucking change everything every few months and keep the old documentation.
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    @Jop- yeah, but other than Google does anybody use it?
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    @Jop- the fact that it's not popular might make it hard to justify spending resources on maintaining the project, which means that it can soon be dead.
    Using Dart is like using Delphi. Sure, it's fine and works fast, and is being used by someone too, but there are tons of problems like finding people to work, maintaining code and rising end of its life before the end of life of your product.
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    @AndSoWeCode Economics is a funny thing. Delphi is still exponentially better at Windows development than C#, but hiring anyone, I mean anyone who knows Delphi is like finding a pink unicorn. When you do find one, unicorn says "You're going to pay me how much? Nah....I think I'll take that Delphi job in the Caribbean"
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    @PaperTrail I don't know about that. Even Electron apps are more stable now than mature Delphi apps (talking about media players for example). I've had very bad behavior from lots of Delphi-based media players, which has lead me to believe that it's just not worth it to spend resources in Delphi.

    Never had issues with Qt-based software, unless it's unresolved Qt dependencies in Linux for stuff like Spyder.
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