anyone else feel bullied when they put something on stack overflow for help
I'm just learning C++ for internship and they're so harsh and make me feel stupid :(

  • 5
    Yea i hear you. Back when i had just started out learning programming and would ask basic questions they'd roast me just for being a newbie. A times they wouldn't even give an explanation, they'd just downvote my question without saying anything. Its discouraging :/
  • 9
    Ignore them. Quite a few have a god complex. People who do this really possible me off.
  • 4
    they are just worried you'll end up taking their job one day...
  • 1
    @h3ll that's so true. After this one guy called me an idiot and told me to read a book (the same book I referenced in my question) I just removed my question because no one was helping me at all. Just insulting my. :(. Spent 3 hours googling but at least I wasn't being called stupid every 5 min
  • 4
    Their attitude is the opposite of the devRant community.
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    I'm fairly new to SO (as a registered user) and not that active but I like to answer the questions that are a day old or so and nobody has answered for some reason. Please don't delete questions too soon, the sh*tstorm can't keep going forever, can it? 😓
    I love it when my answers were helpful. (yes, I'm a little selfish)
  • 3
    I think you've had a harsh and unfair experience, but I usually find SO more positive than negative. There are some on there who've been around a long time and treat it as their domain where points and badges make them look knowledgable and impressive. They come across as utter twonks.

    And there arrogantly assume they have the right to edit questions and comments without the author's permission because they feel like it!

    But I do think the majority will try to help and provide useful solutions to legitimate questions. Then there's always this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/...
  • 1
    One of my friends almost got depressed when he asked his first question in SO and 5 minutes later he got a -1 😖 he was afraid of asking again there... On the other hand, I always ask silly questions and even one of them got a medal for having more than 2000 views 🙂
  • 3
    Try the chat (chat.stackoverflow.com) for smaller questions.
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    SO user and answerer of newbie questions here. I'm not sure about c++ , but python and web are friendly there.
    There problem from our perspective is the sheer number of poorly asked/researched, half assed and do my homework questions that we get.

    A lot of us are happy to help and get the (this answered solved my problem) thanks, but we can't work miracles and if you don't know what you are asking and can't spend the half hour (sometimes) to write a decent question we might just ignore it.

    Good luck on your c++ journey and I hope that gives you some perspective.
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    I'm a little late to this thread, but honestly I found it after being really upset by a response I got to a question I asked after spending hours researching and not finding an answer to a question I had about JavaScript. I'm pretty new to coding, I've mostly just done HTML and CSS, and I was trying to read the MDN documentation, I even mentioned that in my question, so they knew I had tried to do research but they still came down super hard on me for not formatting my question correctly and not doing my homework to their satisfaction.

    I feel like I just got yelled at for not knowing enough - but its like, how can you know what you don't know. I thought that was the whole point of SO. But it seems like to me the point is to make them feel smug and superior. I literally burst into tears because of how mean they were. I couldn't even respond or edit my question because someone had like blocked it.
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