
Brain, stop. Please just stop coming up with new ideas for one fucking second.

I wish I could implement them all but I have never finished a side project ever.

Please. Just. Fucking. Give. Me. A. Fucking. Rest. Right. Now. And. Stop, Coming. Up. With. New. Project. Ideas.


  • 6
    it gets worse by time lol
  • 5
    You know the bots sites try to avoid? Not even they can finish a project. Legends say only Chuck Norris have done it...
  • 4
    Give me those ideas!
  • 14
    Share them with us, many of us sit on our asses all day without having a spec of an idea
  • 6
    @Linuxxx stop being so creative then 😉
  • 3
    Just start a side project called sleep, rest & get your life together, I hear it works
  • 7
    @Linuxxx I know that feeling!
    My brain keeps working on coding problems or ideas 24*7...
    It's a good thing, it keeps me improving myself... but it can get overwhelming and it can steal you your sleep / rest.
    I started sailing some years ago and out there I can switch off completely!⛵️

    Also as I know from current experience being sick helps as well but I can not recommend it.
  • 6
    Put a notepad on your desk/phone/PC, write down everything that comes to mind. Then once every x week/x month whatever you like, you make one list and strike through everything that is shit, conflate the ones that are similar. Writeout the idea in detail and shelf it. After you finish a sideproject you go through your stash.

    Create a moment for it.
    My 2 cents on procastideas
  • 3
    @liammartens that sounds like a hard project. I'm not sure I have the skills for that 😂
  • 2
    For me it's not the brain that's the problem... It's other things in life...
  • 2
    Write all idea on paper and don't lost it XD
  • 6
    You are a hacker, right? Men, I have this awesome idea for a website...
  • 2
    This. Oh man I feel the same way! 😅😅
  • 6
    You're lucky. I can't even come up with a single one... i've got no creativity and I hate myself for this lol.
  • 1
    I spent all morning walking outside. . Now I'm back but really tired...

    All my brain is thinking about is "don't miss the delivery guy that's bring you dinner"
  • 7
    I have a private GitHub repo called "ideas" where there's just the readme filled with ideas. Then I have an alias in my terminal called "idea" which opens that readme file in vim so I can quickly write it down, commit, push and continue working on whatever I'm doing.

    Then when I'm bored I look into my ideas and I usually pick one to start working on. Works pretty good for me!
  • 6
    @byte Good idea actually!
  • 3
    @QueenMorgana D'awhhh you ❤︎
  • 0
    @Paramite I mean, can you make it look just like facebook?
  • 3
    Sure here ya go.
    <img src="facebook.jpg">
  • 1
    @Triskelion I can't scroll !?!
  • 2
    No you can't you asked
    "Can you make it 👉LOOK👈 just like facebook"

    You want a scrollbar, after that a button etc...

    This is it. BRUV
  • 0
    @Triskelion What am I even paying this IT guys... I'm sure someone will do it like for free...
  • 0
    Start your company. Im working dor my friend. Says the same thing. Not enough hands to produce.

    Get some noobs teach em then they teach more. Multiply your productivity!!!!
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