
I'm attending a design course, and in the last few weeks they're teaching us a bit of web programming. The teacher of this part of the course is totally not competent, even though he has every possible Microsoft certification, it's clear that he has not idea what he's doing: he just reads some tutorial on languages and repeats us what he reads. Even when people ask him something about the code he writes, he just repeats what tutorials say...

E.g. he taught Angular 2 without saying anything about how typescript works; the last week i stayed home for a few days and took my time to read all the Angular tutorial and some general typescript, and everything is much clearer.

Also (and this is my favourite part), here's what he said us to do to run Angular projects: he made us open Visual Studio (VISUAL STUDIO!!! With his 60 fuckingGB) and press "Run" on the top of the page... For whose don't see any problem here, the "Run" button runs everytime the command "ng serve" that runs the "webserver" that runs the Angular app, so the opening of any project took about 1 whole minute for each little modification we did...
I had to explain that we could run the command on a terminal and use any editor as VS Code. He didn't even think about that, he said that it was a very good idea (You don't say!).

Fortunately, this is not a Web Development course, and we did only a few weeks with him; the other teachers are very competent in their job...

  • 2
    MS and web development don't belong in the same sentence
  • 1
    Kinda of like one of my teachers taking away 15 points from an assignment back at uni because I did not use a switch statement like she requested....in...Python......
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