
- found an app which suprisingly good suites my use case
- kind of buggy here and there but overall great for me and way more than i hoped to find
- it's open source but has a premium mode with some niceties locked
--> yes i want to premium!!

- pay what you want but at least 28 €
- have a look at the repo to maybe fix and improve by myself
--> Holy shit what is this demonic realm of chaotic wasteland.


  • 4
    I also found an app with exactly my needs but needed some contribution.. Sleep > /dev/null
  • 4
    Why can't Germans not just put the euro sign in front of the amount like normal people?
  • 8
    @retoor Why do Americans put the Dollar sign before the amount? But pronounced Amount and then currency
  • 3
    @jackpearce do you think we Dutchies say "Euro 5,-"? We do exactly same as the American's do. It's hip and progressive and stuff
  • 2
    Shouldn't you be the one to get paid if you are offering to fix their issues in GitHub?
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy that's the problem of us nerds - many of us would do a lot of stuff for free. Me too. Thank God i have a good income so I can afford to be a code cuck
  • 1
    @retoor I believe in multiple sources of low incomes that one big source of income. My channel literally got me 6 clients in its lifetime of a year.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy oh really? In that case your channel is succesful! Good to know it's not for nothing.

    Have you seen that yt vid that I posted for you btw? The 2hr writing compiler in PHP? That guy is amazing. He just types, and types, and types, talking while he types and types. He just fucking goes ahead in a very relaxed way. I can do this too actually for private projects. Together with him (L).

    About income - in the land of Duchies you're well protected as employee so we rely very on a single income. In theory you could insure yourself for issues with your boss but in reality, you don't even need that! Not sure how it works - but I've heard you have some kind of insurance for that by default.

    I'll probably never fight with an employer in court and stuff. It's so easy to just move on. I did go from outsourcing company to customer once and one time walked over to competitor - nothing happened. Angry calls between companies
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy I broke contract once regarding a lease car and they were so shocked that i don't want to spend any minute to bring it back that they actually screamed on the phone. This country is so structured by contracts and shit that a complete panic breaks out when you break it. I've just told them they could pick the car up at my home. Fuck them. And again, holding car hostage? Nothing happened. No legal shit
  • 0
    @retoor I have mentioned me having clients in previous rants. I guess you missed it. but thanks though.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy see my first comment:

    -- oh really? In that case your channel is succesful! Good to know it's not for nothing. -> it's about your client. Rest of my comment was about job security in Netherlands e.g. no real reason to spread income. But ofc, I do often things on dem side. Just for fun
  • 1
    @retoor I didn't mean to say it like that, i guess i didn't say it right. Well, thanks anyway.
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