Anyone who says 'Docker is easy" should burn in hell.

Sure, It took me 5 minutes to run my project in docker container

Took another 25 to run multipl;e comntainers via compose

Now, 3 hours later, can't run compose from multiple Visual Studio solutions. Says "Pull failed"

No doc. No examples. No nothing.

I'll try for another hour or so, if not, fuck that docker shit. I'll go to Service fabric.

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    Pull failed? Don't even know that message. Docker compose is great, joining containers in a network and let them locally communicate. Only watch out: docker exposes itself trough firewall. So have many people running sql / redis publicly. If you have some questions regarding this, post here, I'll look at it. I'm not the biggest expert regarding this but i used it with joy. Btw, docker IS easy if you compare it to lxc or smth.

    I compose you can name your sql container pony and let your webserver connect to pony:3306. Dream come true.

    I remember running specific sql servers per project and one instance running the dbs of all projects
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    @retoor All 3 containers are locally generated

    first 2 "back-end API" are 1 for rest API, One for graphQL

    The last one : A blazor server who needs first two and it's located in another visual studio solution

    Even in local, can't get these 2 in a compose for the last one.

    It's 100% me, usually if I can't make something work (At least a little) ion the first 2 hours, I move on.
  • 6
    Docker is "easy" once you learn the quirks and get the command line muscle memory. Folks saying its easy are forgetting the hours+days+weeks they spent trying to get a running container (and failing) and the issue was a forward slash instead of a backslash.
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    @NoToJavaScript do you already have some Linux experience or is docker the first? Linux can be painful at beginning. Maybe c# on linux not advanced yet enough for your projects?
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    @PaperTrail very easy to forget. Do you remember how much time you've spent learning git and now dont even know how to f up anymore? Git. Night mares
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    That only means vs sucks not docker..
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    docker pull failure is strange, if u pull from a non public library, docker login might be needed?


    One can use networks for that.

    docker network create service_network

    Define in Compose the network itself with external: True.

    external and manual creation as multiple compose files are involved - so we need to make it stateless.

    Add to each defined service the created network with a hostname.

    Use the hostname for container communication, e.g. instead of docker-host:5000 to reach service with public exposed port 5000… use my-service:5000. No public ports needed.

    Network segmentation is a beautiful thing in docker.
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    @IntrusionCM there's a first time for everything. This was the first time you learnt me nothing. Aniwaii hav mi updot
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    Try to finally understand the difference between cmd and entrypoint. Forget. Repeat. <-- docker in a nutshell.
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    So you have problem with garbage editor from Microshit and somehow blame docker?
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    @PAKA Why do you focus on editor ?

    command line gives same results.

    VS only calls command lines lol. (At least for docker, I agree it does some unholy shit in some instances).

    Full command line, on WSL2. Same result. It;'s 100% docker issue. Well, my knowladge of docker.

    But Docker doesn't have ANY doc, not ANY example usefull, they have 50000 pages opf crap doc not redable. And any way, who reads docs ?

    So keep blaming VS or Windows or, i don't know, the keyboard manufacter. Problem is not there.

    problem is docker compose can't get image from a localy running "Docker deskrop"

    Then yes, I only spent 3 hours (never worked with docker before). But in ANY normal solution in 3 hours I'll get MVP up and running.
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    @dontbeevil hell yeah. Who blames a penguin
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    @dontbeevil Well, it is 100% me. They are right.

    BUT, there is effort/time/result equation

    And docker lose this one :)

    I'm sure if I spend 1 week on this problem it will work, and next time I have issue it will take couple of minutes.

    But spending a WEEK to learn just "hello world", meeeh, nop
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