
Some time ago I was looking for materials regarding Ansible automation tool and realized that most of them suggests setting up the lab environment using virtualization (like VirtualBox). In my opinion that is not the best approach – virtual machines consume lots of resources and take some time to start/kill. So I decided to write a guide for setting up Ansible lab environment using Docker containers. Containers require significantly less resources than vm’s and can be bring up and down really quickly. Additional advantage is easy way of automating whole environment using docker-compose. You can find my guide at github: https://github.com/LMtx/... Any feedback is very welcome :)

  • 0
    While in some cases containers are sufficient, they do not behave the same as VMs. Try running services or multiple processes. Ansible has been primarily focused on configuring (virtual) machines, and using containers as lab will limit you. You have to decide what you need.
  • 0
    That is true that container != vm but it is still a valid approach to use Docker as initial lab IMHO.
  • 1
    Definitely! If you don't need to use functions that require a VM, you probably should be using containers. Good job in making that approach more accessible.
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