Need a phone upgrade. So now the question is, do I want the $1000 version of the phone I am already using but from a hipster fruit based company or do I want a Korean phone that, given their recent track record, will have a battery that vibrates at the exact frequency that cause wasps to attack the user's testicles?

Oh and it should probably be a thing I can make apps for but doesn't require I learn the thing that pretends it isn't Objective-C.

  • 8
    One plus is my go too. Cheaper than iphone close to same hardware. Would like source on vibrating wasp phone. Would love to gift this to someone. Lol
  • 1
    @azuredivay I realize but I like the Samsungs my first two smart phones were HTCs though. Which do you like?

    @skprog honestly i just thought of something a step worse than catching on fire. That's what I arrived at. It is only a hypothesis.
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    @Torbuntu yeah. I need a T-Mobile phone 😑
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    @DoubleAngels I will look it up. I have a galaxy s6 and the lag and performance is agony. Can I use an SD card?
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    I'd stay away from Xperia, in my experience they fall apart after a year or so, maybe less
    OnePlus is amazing though!
  • 3
    +1 for OnePlus (lol)

    - You get way more for your money than from 'the big ones' (e. g. Samsung, Apple)
    - It's not fucking bloated with software noone actually needs
    - OnePlus doesn't mind you doing with your phone whatever you want (rooting, installing a ROM of your choice)
    - Dash Charge! 😍 (starting from OnePlus 3)
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    I am quite happy with my Huawei P9 Lite. Maybe try the P10?
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    Weeell since iPhone X gets its screens from Samsung now its pretty same whatever you buy. 🤣
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