When someone calls themselves a hacker. And they are not related to infosec

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    I am going to get an app that looks like a green terminal, but all the text is in chinese. If people ask about it I will say "I do all my hacking in Chinese. Harder to trace."
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    @Demolishun and for you to read. Win win
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    @gymmerDeveloper I named my computer at work RussianHacker in Russian.
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    @Demolishun I do all my hacking in British English so the FBI won't get me
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    @AlmondSauce Youu Britiush fuuckers! Wiuth aull youur extrau U's!
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    You need to earn it.. calling yourself a hacker, kids these days have nerves.. now get off my lawn!
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    historically hacker meant something closer to tinkerer than specifically a security expert. I like this interpretation better.
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    The jargon file provides a lot of exciting perspective on the origin of common tech terms.
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    @lorentz indeed. I liked that interpretation of the word better. I usually think of proper hackers in the MIT sort of way.

    The term has evolved to mean something in the sense of ethical and non-ethical infosec practices.
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    @Demolishun isn't it like just Russian Russian
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