
I am just sick of the things that's been going on.

Joined a mid level startup as full Stack developer working on angular and node js . Code base is too shit and application is full of bugs(100+ tickets are being raised for bugs)

Since the product owner(PO) wants to demo the application he is pushing for bug fixes.

UI code:
1. Application is not handled for responsiveness all these years, it is now being trying to address. Code base is very huge to address though .
2. The common reusable components of UI has business logic inside. Any small change in business logic we are forced to handle in common components which might break up on another components.
3. Styling in 40+ components are made global. Small css change in component A is breaking up in component B due to this
4. No time to refactor.
5. Application not at all tested properly all these years. PO wants a stable build.
6. More importantly most of developers have already left the company and we are left with 2 developers including me.

I am not in a position to switch due to other commitments adds up a lot to frustration

  • 2
    If the application has been shitty all these years, why is the PO pushing for a demo now? Especially considering the attrition
  • 9
    This already sounds like hell even if it wasn‘t full stack node js.
    You are in deep shit. I‘m sorry for you.
  • 7
    I would apply for a new job immediately, you might get nightmares while sleeping, can you handle that stress?
  • 3
    I believe your frustration is warranted. Persist and find the path of least resistance for each bug to solve, refuse and propose a bold but costly restart from scratch, or quit and look for greener pastures.
  • 0
    @asgs , PO is not aware of this .

    Manager and developers are ones who are aware.
  • 2
    Push for hiring new talent, or a consultant to help with refactoring.

    Raise an alarm about underlying issues and escalate asking for help

    Or , spend 10+ hr workdays and solve everything by yourself .

    The latter is guaranteed route to a burnout .
  • 2
    @dIREsTRAITS i was in a project like that. Oh the horror 😨
  • 1
    Ah crap... I just *love* those situations. Do not under any circumstance take this seriously on an emotional level or you will fry. You are in between two fires, time and mess. No happy ending there, just dont try refactoring that shit..
  • 1
    I strongly suggest that you initiate a meeting with devs, manager and PO, adress all this issues and propose course of action that you see fit.

    I cannot stress enough how much of importance is for everyone to know the real situation because on the contrary you will burn out. Don't let anyone cover his ass by not telling it to the PO because whoever covers his ass is doing on the expense of the devs.

    Also about possible course of action is to checkout new branch from the most forward one and address one component at the time, when done, test it and merge to that most forward branch, presumably dev or master/main.

    Extract logic from components either at once or as you solve each component. It will be a mess for some period of time but in the end it will look like an app and not like flying spaghetti monster.

    It is tedious work but it's doable. Also make the PO know than this is just a reality check and that this is only way to salvage the app aside starting from scratch!

    Good luck!
  • 1
    JS on backend is basically shit.
  • 0
    @SakuraNinja "on backend" is redundant though.
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