
Ever wondered why your first program was a 'Hello World' program?

  • 3
    On the day you decided to program, you were reborn!
  • 3
    Probably some brainwashing thing. I don't know why it is always the first, I would rather just jump right in
  • 2
    Because I copied and pasted the shit out of this fucker?
  • 2
    My first program was actually a text-based "choose your own story" game based on the "Papers Please" video game in Python.

    It had like 1000 if statements as I didn't knew loops and OOP existed.
  • 1
    The Hello World program actually has some fun history. The first program to present a developer with the C language in the great "C programming language" by Dennis Ritchie and Brian W Kernighan presented the concept of having a language print to the screen terminal the string "Hello, World" :) from there we see many tutorials doing that, from Python to Ruby etc etc :) it is programmer culture and iiiiii love it.
  • 0
    In fact, it wasn't ;D
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