
By far the biggest challenge is naming your classes and variables in your native language instead of using english. And obviously you end up with a hidious mix of english and native terms 😂

  • 4
    FUCK YES IT IS SO ANNOYING. MY TEACHER DOES THAT AND WHEN IM READING HIS CODE IM LIKE "WTF DOES THAT MEAN? OH THATS GERMAN". Most of the time I have to teach my teacher sadly. He's like " java is the only language. Everything else is shit" and I'm like "java is sooooo 20th century".

    I hate my life
  • 1
    I'm italian
    Every time I read "class Persona"
    (Persona means person) or "if primo == secondo" (first == second) or "not condizione" (condition) i feel dead inside...
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