
... need... red bull right now..
cant coOoode without... energy.....
*falls on the floor*

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    Drink the red edition.
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    *energy drink cans start piling up*
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    It's the sugar in red bull that gives you the energy. The caffeine makes you more awake and vigilant for a short time. Too much caffeine makes you tired.

    Drink a cup of coffee and eat a piece of cake - it is healthier and has the same effect.
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    @tracktraps believe it or not, coffee makes me feel sleepy
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    @tracktraps the cake is a lie...
    @nickj same, I drink coffee since I was 5, now it's just like water for me.
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    @theScientist my whole family has a coffee addiction. We get initiated at a very early age to it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    My mother once drank 14 cups of coffee in a day. My maximum is 10 ʘ‿ʘ
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    @nickj Of course, I believe that caffeine can make you sleepy. This is usually either an overdose (varies from person to person) or a side effect of caffeine. A certain habituation may also be partly responsible for this effect. Probably a certain addiction is also responsible if you consume caffeine regularly.
    Have you tried guarana? It works like caffeine, but without side effects and much more subtle in effect. The effect floods very slowly, but lasts much longer.

    @Archer04 Sure, the cake is a lie, GLaDOS. But in this case, the cake isn't really a lie. It contains, among other things, sugar, fat and carbohydrates. The organism gains energy from this, not from caffeine.

    I'm addicted to caffeine myself. I know what I'm talking about ... and by the way, I have a PhD in medicine :)
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    @Archer04 my son likes coffee, he's 1..

    Daily I average 3 coffees by 9am, 8-10 by the time I leave work. Then it's anywhere upwards of 2 when I get home. Currently on my 4th since getting back from work...

    I'm cutting down slowly but struggle at the weekends. I feel hungover if I haven't had any coffee by 10am ☹️
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    @ganey Caffeine addict. :)
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    @ganey When I was in high school I was able to eat scoops of instant coffee ʘ‿ʘ
    One of my friends snorted coffee before taking a test... It was, weird...
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    @tracktraps yeah I'll cut back when I stop working 2 Dev jobs

    @Archer04 yeah granules doesn't taste so good, especially the 'power coffee' where they add guava or something. That tastes bad no matter what you do with it. I think I'll give snorting it a miss, although you can get it ground so fine now you could just pretend it's snuff!
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    @ganey well, after he start to do that his grades improved haha, bit yeah, I never did it.
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    @Archer04 Pure coincidence.
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    @tracktraps I mean, that shot would wake him up. He failed because he would spend the whole class sleeping
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