Coolest bugs: anything involving SignalR hubs. what a crazy, upside down world asynchronous web sockets are.

  • 0
    actually i am planning to use SignalR in my app is to hard for mid-ptogrammer ? Should i look for another solution ?(excuse me for my bad english)
  • 1
    The principles are simple, you write code on the server side which can call function mapping on the client (either a single connection, the current caller, everyone else or a predefined group) or from the client to the server (basically like any asynchronous web call) and SignalR abstracts which protocol is used, connection life cycles and all that boring shit.

    The real Twilight Zone is trying to debug over that bridge, regardless what client is used.
  • 2
    Like many cool things, when it works it's awesome and when it doesn't work WHERE THE SHIT CUNT HAS MY CONNECTION GONE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE OBJECT REFERENCES? WHY ISN'T THIS ARRAY FILLED?
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