The 1x1 to lock you out of your Mediafire-Account:
- Change password to a new one with more than chars (works)
- Try to login with it. 😂 (too long)

Had to reset it and set a new new one with 30 chars.

  • 2
    Or try cut it on the 30th char. If it's a VARCHAR(30) field it should have been cut at the 30th, if it didn't threw an error
  • 0
    @Kimmax Just checked and saw, that it was capped also in the UI but I didn't see it when I pasted my new pw.
  • 0
    Image: (was on pc and can't attach images there)
  • 0
    My fitness app wont let me use a password over 12 characters..
  • 2
    @Cyanite WTF?
    And just saw that PayPal limits to 20 chars.
  • 0
    @demiko Maybe to protect themselfs from a kind of DoS (reaaallly long password).
    But a limit like 256 chars would be sufficient too.
    Or you have to pray that they don't get hacked.
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