There is a god forsaken Project Manager in my company that I got to work with since I started there. She has been there way longer than I am and she asks the most ridiculous questions. A couple days ago she wanted to know when a specific scenario occurred in an app (it was a feature she asked for, mind you). I told her "When the status is ACTIVE and the distributor is {{random distributor}}"

She stopped for a few seconds. Nodded and asked "And when does the scenario NOT occur?"

I couldn't hold it it and I barked an "are you serious right now?"

It may have come across as a bit rude and she called her superior who was passing by. Ranted a bit about my reaction and when he tried to understand the question he said to her "Isn't it obvious?"

I do believe I glowed in bright tones of green and purple for a minute or two

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    I suspect this is just a communication failure. It sounds like nobody dealt with it very well. Perhaps the PM was simply asking if there are any instances when the scenario was not true. Imagine if it had gone like this:
    PM: "and when does the scenario NOT occur?"
    You: ”Hardly ever. We have just a handful of records that don't match those criteria."
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    @DeadInside maybe so, but if it was the case I have been having communication failures for over a year now. And knowing the requirement she was asking about it is a clear there or not there situation. To clarify with context the conversation could have been like this:
    PM: When is the button there?
    ME: When both the status is active and the distributor is A
    PM: And when is the button not there?

    How more specific do I need to be? She works in the same field I do. And this is not a one time thing
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    Sometimes people don't immediately recall the right context even if they were the ones who designed it in the first place. It may have been obvious, but don't let her perceived ignorance disturb your Zen 🙂. Unless she was interrupting your tea, then it's a declaration of WAR 👹
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