
I Can't wait for the fall to start!! Cuz I'm starting my own web agency! Looking forward to it so much!

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    any tips for starting up?
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    first tip write contracts for every project, if a client wants more features redo the contract with updated pricing. other than that find some kinda stress relief.
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    Also have low prices but not too low in the beginning to get the amount of cutomers up and to spread the word. After that you can start to up the prices
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    @hareland Sweden
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    @jckimble i usually add that the client only pays for hours. So I sell him 40 hours to create something, if it goes over that the client will have to pay extra and confirm that he wants to continue
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    @hareland I charge $75 an hour but putting that on paper tends to scare clients off, that's why I use a set price with the features in writing for that set price along with agreed milestones and a clause that says if they don't reply in 7 days the milestone is accepted and payment is due. there's no price difference between hourly and a set price but for some reason a set price looks more reasonable to clients.
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    To whom do you want to sell your services?
    Because specializing on 1-3 industries often helps.
    Never ever make compromises on Quality, because now a days everybody can deploy a wordpress site.
    Offer a all in one solution. that means you should know kick ass freelance copywriters, on-location photographers.
    Search for an automated acountant software, that saves you time, there are opensoure solutions for that. But the most important thing is your network and relation to your customer. So vistit local business meetings and conventions. If you finished a project and the client is happy, set yourself a calendar reminder for every half or a year to reach out to the client to check if he is still satisfied and eventually grab another job. :)
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    Soooo, you hiring? :p
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    @heyheni yeah i have figured all that out. Thanks though
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    @liammartens not yet...
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    Vart i Sverige kommer ni att arbeta från? :)
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