Fixed this assholes phone for her... she proceeds to take the phone and say “thanks for fixing it, it was kind of you to do it for free!”

Uhm, ex-fucking-cuse me?! I run a business, not a god damned charity.

She got me my fucking money.

  • 49
    Ex-fucking-cuse me, I'll remember that until I die 😂
  • 24
    @aitkotw gotta throw the word “fuck” in any-fucking-where you can! 😉
  • 33
    @AnonyOps under-fucking-stood
  • 10
    @aitkotw proud of you! 😱
  • 10
    @Alice 😪 you all make me so proud!
  • 5
    @Alice when you say it, suddenly it sounds great. You can't be better than this
  • 5
    @Alice This reminds me of a youtube video... ;D
  • 6
    @Alice 😳❤️
  • 7
    I fuck-understand-dont-ing

    Can someone help-fuck-underand-me-please???
  • 4
    @Alice once you learn from me you'll forget your all previous courses.
  • 4
    @AlgoRythm it’s got to be in-fucking-between and no other word besides fucking. It’s got-fucking-to make sense.

    You my friend, have fucking got this! 😂
  • 5
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm have some fucking faith, my dude! lol
  • 3
    @Alice I bet once you see the index you'll insist me to teach you whole semester.
  • 2
    @Alice I bet you do.
  • 4
  • 1
    @Alice so I think we can't go any further due to the language barrier.
  • 2
    AnonyOps is confused with the side convo going on 😂
  • 2
    @Alice @AnonyOps hey don't make me bad guy
  • 1
    @aitkotw Lol you’re not the bad guy, I just don’t know what’s going on 😂
  • 1
    @AnonyOps it's good as long as you don't understand but why doesn't she understands
  • 1
    @aitkotw Sorry mate, I can’t answer that for her. I can only speak on my behalf.
  • 1
    I think it may be like you said, @aitkotw , the language barrier. I can’t make out what you’re trying to say. Not because your a bad guy or wrong but because like you said, the language barrier.
  • 1
    @AnonyOps am I the only one who thinks this comment section is getting worst with each comment. Because if no one understand what's going on then why the fuck we are not stopping? Just curious
  • 2
    @aitkotw lmfao, because we’re still trying to comprehend what you said previously 😂
  • 1
    @Alice it was a joke and it is dead now, it's better to just keep quiet instead if explaining it. Because humer is not something you can explain people.
  • 3
    @aitkotw although valid, the joke has to make sense before humor can be understood.
  • 1
    @AnonyOps are we still going on about it?
  • 2
    @Alice I thought you left
  • 2

    Like it or not, It's the focal point of this convo now.
  • 2
    @Cyanite @alice what do you want to know?
  • 2

    Explain your joke.
  • 1
    @Cyanite what if someone gets offended?
  • 2

    The Goddess of the Void commands it!~
  • 2

    Just do it. Too late now.
  • 3
    @Cyanite no it's not, I can still choose not to explain the joke and get away with it since no one understood it in first place.
  • 1
    @Alice okey will go with that, yep there wasn't any joke in the first place so why bother?
  • 3

    Just admit that you were making sexual jokes twards my girlfriend. :P
  • 2
    @Cyanite can we not be decent ranters and leave sexual harassment in the work place now-fucking-days 😂 jebusssss
  • 4
    I've read this rant and all its comments twice and I haven't a clue what's going on 😶
  • 2
  • 1
    @Cyanite first of all it was all about understanding, never deined it though and what in the world is that girlfriend crap.. . it's not decided yet.
  • 3
    @Jonnyforgotten @AnonyOps

    To me, it seems that he firstly made a comment towards @alice after she said "fuck fuck fuck..." and he basically said "It sounds good when you say it."
    And then was making hits about "schooling" her on how to do so propperly.

    I might be wrong, but I doubt so. But I am open to a responce from @aitkotw.

    Case closed..?
  • 4
    I think I get it now, but it was much funnier when everyone was just saying fuck all the time
  • 2
    @Cyanite detective Cyanite on the case!

    I felt as though that’s what he was getting at, the wording just threw me for a spin.
  • 4
  • 2

    Huh..? She's been my girlfriend for months..? XD
  • 3
    @Cyanite holy moly that was pretty much accurate 😂
  • 2
    @aitkotw Ohhhhh that’s naughty...
  • 1
    @Alice seems that way 😚
  • 2

    Can you not..?
  • 1
    @alice @AnonyOps @Cyanite it was fun though I wish we get chance like this in the future again(not as offending someone). But we can't say for sure.

    And @alice don't take it wrong way and am sorry if something offended you.
  • 2
    @aitkotw I’ll puff puff pass my good sir, thank you for the offer though! 😂
  • 4

    How about you stay 500 meters away at all times..? Okay..? Thank you. I've seen you on devRant before, and I'm not a fan.
  • 2

    I think we should just head to bed. :3
  • 2
    @Cyanite careful now, he’s lurking 😂
  • 1
    @Cyanite I really don't want any fans but thanks it seems I am getting popular.
  • 2
    @AnonyOps don't make me say anything. 🙄
  • 2
    Lol I’ve not done anything. Anything that your fingers type and your mind conjures up are strictly your doing.
  • 7

    This community doesn't respond well to toxic people. This isn't reddit.
  • 1
    @theScientist add-fucking-ing in-fucking-between wo-fucking-rds!
  • 2
    @Cyanite I can’t ++ this enough.
  • 3
    @aitkotw It is you who we should be telling “don’t do that” to. Although everyone has an imagination, there’s a time and place when a built in filter is needed.
  • 2
    @Cyanite why are you still awake? I thought you went to sleep. ? Sweet dreams btw
  • 2
    @AnonyOps I think mine filter is broken?
  • 2
    @aitkotw It seems as though that’s the case, you should work on that.
  • 2
    @AnonyOps yeah I think I need a replacement. Do you know any good place to get one?
  • 2
    @aitkotw internally.
  • 2
    @theScientist 😭 you make me so fucking proud!
  • 2

    First..? ;D Maybe from you~

  • 1
    @AnonyOps whoah you just switched. I thought you were my mate.
  • 0
    @theScientist you’re spot on! Lol
  • 1

    This isn't his first time. There was a convo yesterday or the day before where him and another guy were really harassing this lady. It was more the other guy, but still. He also hit on my girlfriend then.
  • 3
    @Cyanite why am I getting feeling that you are making it bigger issue than it already is?
  • 0

    Maybe. Probably. I'm very impulsive.
  • 2
    @Cyanite maybe I am bad guy or maybe I am not but believe me when I say this it felt really awesome watching you stand for her. I couldn't care less about my++ or anything else related to my account but it was all meant as a humor.
    I think I am sounding little cheesy and I told all those stuffs not because I wanted to sit back and laugh instead I was ready to take burn as well.
  • 1

    I think you were a little out of line, and that you need lessons on personal boundaries, but I doubt you're actually a "bad" person.

    However.. @lonecoder was apparently permabanned this morning. I don't know the *exact* reason and nature of the ban, but I know he was being very vulger (you saw this yourself the other day).

    This community is very pure, and it's owners wish to keep it that way. Now, as far as I know, you haven't done anything to warrant such a thing, but you should show some decency if you wish to remain apart of this community.

    Yeah, I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but I just want to make sure that my girlfriend is okay, and that YOU don't get in trouble either. So, take it easy. Okay..?
  • 1

    Ohh, and uhh.. Stay away from my girlfriend.

    K? Thank you. :3
  • -1
    @Alice Alice in fucking chains
  • 1
    @riteshx95 FUCK NO!!!! Lol
  • 2
    @stefant ahahah in-fucking-sanely bad timing man
  • 3
    Does any-fucking-one remember what the original post was about?
  • 3

    Nope, it turned into a drama post hella quick.

    Anyone who says otherwise is either the ranter, you, or *looked*.
  • 2
    Ex-fucking-cuse me but I had to LOL. Those comments, I have no Idea what's going on but the number of misunderstandings seems to be pretty high imo
  • 1
    @needToRoll well, you’re not fucking wrong 😂😂
  • 1
    @AnonyOps the interesting thing is that I had a conversation with @aitkotw where I started a sideconvo with two other people... all of the sudden he seemed to be offended... I thought he misunderstood my comment and explained it. But well it went wrong
  • 3
    @needToRoll 😂😂 I remember that.
  • 1
    @devios1 About op ex-fucking-cuseing for not being a charity
  • 0
    I think you queen should be informed about the comments going on here
  • 8
    What the fuck happened here? Who's skull do I need to cave in?
  • 2
    ...its a long story 🙄
  • 6
    From what I can see there's some language barrier issues and some unwanted innuendo.
  • 2
    @MissDirection please read through the comments yourself your majesty... I am not in any shape to judge because I still have some confusion left over from yesterday. But I think borders have been crossed
  • 1
    I think that sums it up
  • 5
    I read the thread. Jesus Rollerblading Christ, what a cluster fuck...
  • 8
    Don't fuck with @Cyanite 's girlfriend. And @aitkotw don't try so damn hard.

    This is a place for like-minded people to hang out and talk about Dev stuff and our lives surrounding it. Let's not turn it it to Reddit, Facebook, YouTube comments, etc.

    I finally found a social media site I like, so don't you motherfuckers fuck it up for me.

    Carry on.
  • 3
    @Cyanite @Alice

    I was here when this first started and caught the bullshittery and even wrote a comment up saying it was off-topic and out of line but I felt as if it was not my business and did not post it.

    I regret this now, I'm sorry
  • 2
    @Alice then say nothing it's alright
  • 5
    @Alice Just take it easy, mute the thread, I'll stop tagging you. Chill and let it go, it doesn't really matter, don't let it bother you. just some desperate dude.
  • 1
    @MissDirection why the fuck are you getting so worked up, like I said I didn't really meant anything and I've already apologized to her. I don't give a damm about which social platform you like or dislike. No need to be smartass and teach someone, something you don't understand by yourself.
  • 4
    @aitkotw you haven't seen worked up. This is me being nice. You don't have to give a damn what social platform I like, or about anything I say for that matter. Just remember, no one likes a creep.
  • 7
    @aitkotw really? Well damn. How will I sleep tonight? Oh yeah, like a fucking baby because I give no fucks what you think.

    You got all fucking weird in this thread and everyone saw, so take your lumps and move on, or fucking don't. I don't give a fuck. I'm done with you.
  • 0
    @MissDirection I couldn't care less about your opinion either, I am not the one who started it. And you are getting worked up again, calm down !😅
  • 1
    here's an idea. Fuck is a recursive acronym ;) :p
  • 1
    Fucking much fucking comments in this fucking rant.
  • 1
    An in-fucking-tereting example of tmesis (look it up) :]
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