Welp, here it goes:

High school is feeding me a huge amount of shit that I do not care about. This, causes me not to have enough time to carry on my own programming and infosec studies due to a lack of time, despite the fact that I'm pretty organized. Among all that, is the fact that I have 3 weekly martial arts training in the evening, which equals to even less time.
I am starting to feel quite shitty about this situation, and no, I'm not going to wait precious years of my life before continuing with my studies.
Let's hope I'll pull through. :(

  • 2
    Same man. Was assigned 2 presentations this week, and no joke 3 books in English today. Like who the fuck reads 3 books at once?!
  • 0
    @poster983 I agree that is bullshit, but can't you read the books one by one? :P
  • 0
    @Fydrenak No, We have reading tests on monday and friday for each book
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