Here is my list of horrible techs which are common in my current and previous workplace which should be extinct ASAP:

Java applets
Java Swing desktop apps
C# Windows Forms desktop apps
Shitty insecure php web apps
Micorsoft Access DB
Windows XP
Windows Servers
Closed Linux-based appliances which lack many basic GNU software and are forbidden to tamper with
Every single Symantec product

Post yours below

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    Windows 10
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    ++ for Closed Linux-based appliances which lack many basic GNU software and are forbidden to tamper with
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    Every part of it.

    It's horrible. Horrible security, horrible UI/UX, horrible system administration complexity which novody but overpaid SAP consultants understand, horrible programming language(ABAP), and the fact it's good for non-tech people causes it to be adapted more and more and makes it even more horrible.

    It's Germany's revenge for WWII.
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    @clovisIrex Besides, it's damn expensive.
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    I hate ASP too tbh 😅
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    Well I don't have a problem with RemoteApp and C# Windows Forms desktop apps WPF is not much better tbh..

    Microsoft Access DB and VB can burn in hell though

    and SAP..
    I cannot write enough in one comment about my hatred for SAP..
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    ALM. Horrible HP application for use case/test case storage/execution that only opens in IE and doesn’t scale for 4K displays. Horrendous UI and every what-would-be-simple action takes 10 clicks or more.
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    I am working on integrating our product with SAP ERP PM and frankly I am surprised they are still in business. Their software is so bad everything is awful. I am tempted to quit my job because of how frustrated I am with this project.

    We pay a lot to be a partner so that we can access their downloads to install a test system. Took forever to download the required files. After a long time we get ECC 6 set up. S4 will have to come later since even for a development environment you need 256GB ram.

    Now I am looking at the existing bapi, there is next to no documentation so pretty much just have to guess the name and parameters to try and get things working and there is so much that cannot be done. I can see the tables that contain the data so maybe we need to make custom bapi but there is no clear direction everything is just maybe. I followed the 30 step tutorial on how to create a bapi but it doesn't work.

    It shouldn't be so hard but we are getting roadblocked every step of the way.
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    @forceQuit I get that ALM hasn't the best UX but if you use all of its features I don't see any way to replace it
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    I nominate IBM's Jazz for worst tool in the world. Thank god we moved to git & jira recently. We migrated our entire history and now we keep finding years old open issues that got lost in jazz :s
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    @wilhelmina I was going to post Jira... happy we moved to Asana. Although maybe Asana should be here too. Maybe I just hate planning.
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    @bittersweet Haha, I'm not that big a Jira fan either. Or of planning in general indeed. But believe me, it's a major step forward from what we had.
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    Xcode is the only horrible thing I have to deal with 🙄
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    Nailed it, Sir.
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    Personally I'd replace Windows XP with Windows 10 to be extinct ASAP.
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    Sounds like you died and that you - unfortunately - ended up in devels hell. My Sympathies.

    See you later...
  • 0
    I totally agree! I also hate working with PowerBuilder apps...
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    Please ellaborate on why.
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