Google doesn't seem to understand. I don't want more personally targeted ads and block what goes against their definition of inappropriate advertising. I want to block some very annoying advertisers like the Chinese TEMU crap shop. So I will have to use an ad-blocker again, I guess.

  • 5
    They understand very well. They just don’t give a shit about you and what you want :)
  • 1
    I guess it's not worthnitt to cater to the small amount of users who have highly specific ad requirements like this - since they are so picky.

    If Google would try to build a feature to reject ads from a company I'm sure there would be pitfalls such as the company advertising via 10 different sibling companies..and if Google didn't manage to block them all in one go picky users would go "it doesn't work perfectly, fuck it, I'm using adblock" so it's barely worth the effor
  • 1
    Even FBI recommends ad blockers for everyone
  • 1
    @electrineer I guess we can be happy that ad blockers haven’t been made illegal… so far.
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