
Currently working on the privacy site CMS REST API.

For the curious ones, building a custom thingy on top of the Slim framework.

As for the ones wondering about security, I'm thinking out a content filtering (as in, security/database compatibility) right now.

Once data enters the API, it will first go through the filtering system which will check filter based on data type, string length and so on and so on.

If that all checks out, it will be send into the data handling library which basically performs all database interactions.

If everything goes like I want it to go (very highly unlikely), I'll have some of the api actions done by tonight.

But I've got the whole weekend reserved for the privacy site!

  • 2
    Can't wait ^_^
  • 9
    @gitpush Awesome to hear! For real, I sometimes feel like I should just quit this whole project but then I post something about it again and people are very enthusiastic and that gets my motivation very high again!
  • 4
    @linuxxx ya we all have those moments, especially for your project, you already know all those privacy stuff so making a website for them might not be worth it, but for people like me it will be amazing to have. if only I know front-end (still a complete noob even in PHP) I would have offered to help :/

    If you ever needed help I do know SQL if you want, unless you are using NoSQL db .-.
  • 4
    @gitpush Tbh my biggest hurdle will be MySQL :). I'm the backender myself and that will work out well and next to that I've got ewpratten sometimes and an old study mate also offered to help now (@incognito)!
  • 2
    @linuxxx amazing! Can't wait to see this thing go online, I have the tab always open just in case I missed a rant of you regarding an update lol

    by the way when I visit initd.nl I get: "asdf"
    why are you printing an IP (local one)? O_O
  • 3
    @gitpush I still haven't fixed that one yet 😅. This page is the correct one for me (what it's meant to be): https://initd.nl/ip (a public ip getting thingy :)
  • 5
    Let me actually try to fix that one right now! @gitpush

    Do you have any way to chat by the way? Would be awesome to stay in touch :)
  • 5
    @linuxxx aha, now I can ask you for my IP instead of asking google. what are the chances that you are saving my IP :P (even though I don't have a static IP at home so a simple router reboot will get me a new one :D)
  • 3
    @linuxxx Sure, though which chatting service do you use? I'm sure you are not on Facebook or Google+ lol
  • 6
    @gitpush Definitely haha! I log basic http requests through NginX/Apache and next to that I've got firewall monitoring etc but that page is literally just an ip address echo in PHP :P.

    Uhm, I've got quite some encrypted options xD. I think riot.im would be the ideal option :)
  • 1
    @linuxxx ok then riot it is, let me get started with it as this is the first time I use similar service lol
  • 4
    @gitpush Sure haha! I mainly use it because it provides the same level of encryption that Signal provides :)
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    @linuxxx downloading on my phone as I give up having the web app to open :S
  • 1
    @linuxxx finally this thing opened lol
    I just registered with my devRant name, unless user search is by email
  • 4
    @gitpush Nope username works! Let me say hi :P
  • 1
    Can't wait man !
  • 2

    side note, how do you have time to work considering all this ranting you've been doing? XD
  • 1
    @SauceBoss actually you can add eloquent to slim as well.
    Never worked with slim but I think it is more comparable with lumen than standard laravel. And therefore has a smaller footprint. (Just guesting but would like to hear your motivation @linuxxx)
  • 1
    @SauceBoss, you actually answered your question. Slim gives you freedom. Use what you want, not what you've been given.
  • 0
    Awesome man! I'd Love to contribute in some way. Let me know if you want help writing the content.
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