¡¡Good news!! Finally solved the image upload problem with lumen and angular. It happens that, even the $request in Lumen was "empty" it turned out that the actual image file was a binary object inside the Lumen $request variable that didn't render because the browser, postman and everything I tried couldn't understand it (maybe something to do with the Content-Type). I figured out and solved it, now I can easily save, delete and even modify images when are in the server side.

One more thing... My code was fine the whole time, l mean like, 3 days of finding a big that doesn't exists haha

Everyday we learn some new si*t

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, the story is right here:

PS: thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments: @champion01 @itsdaniel0 @dfox @joetj

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