
Installed a custom ROM.

The emoji's here are much like the android blobs but they are slightly different. I think they're uglier/unnatural.


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    Are you sure these aren't the updated oreo ones?
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    I always hated how many different fuuxking emoji fonts there were on droid roms.

    Glad now, iOS is consistent.
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    Whatsapp is going to update theirs too. Already got them on the latest beta - these things look absolutely ugly and drugged
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    @Kimmax Deffo not those!
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    Replace and recompile :p
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    Try app called Emoji Replace. For some emoji fonts (iOS for example) you need to pay I think 3 bucks, but Google 7 (Nougat) are free I think.
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    @LeFlawk nah, who does that. Lucky Patcher ftw
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    @LeFlawk ok you won xD
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    @matsaki95 what the hell are they?

    Where did they come from man?
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    @matsaki95 @jamescodesthing YES THOSE
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    @linuxxx they look damn ugly! Kill them with fire.

    You installed a custom keyboard yet? Last I remember Google’s worked pretty well, shouldn’t have this issue.
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    @jamescodesthing Yeah but I rather not have Google recording everything I type :).

    Also, i love those blobs!
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    @linuxxx y... you on aosp? Cyanogen?

    They’re all recording everything you type 😞 it’s the state of the world today, fucking sucks.

    Hell, this is public domain, they’re probably fucking crawling it as we speak.

    Good luck brother.
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    @jamescodesthing How are they doing that? I block everything Google (and my keyboard app) through a root firewall so I don't see that happening easily.

    And yes we're being watched all the time but not even trying to prevent that makes you lose by default.
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    @linuxxx you block everything google?

    Like, google?

    How do you work man?

    I can see how and why you’d want to do it, but I’m genuinely curious about what your workflow is without them?

    So, loosely: what exactly are you blocking? *google* in your firewall might help but isn’t a definite yes.

    DevRant is hosted on the play store, where did you get it?
    - might be calling home on install for users installed stats.

    But then, here’s the kicker; devrant uses GA and GF for analytics and fonts. That lovely crisp roboto is one of theirs.

    I’m guessing devrant uses something like a goal for posting, so any time you post you’re being monitored. If you block google-analytics.com that might help. Same for *.googleapis.com

    The analytics script base hooks into loads of actions, it could literally be tracking every character press based on config.

    Then, if you block all your personal contribution manually, devrant is still public domain... crawled by google, and the website has a feed page which will be crawled with a decent frequency depending on how popular the site is at any one time.

    So the feeds page, including all the rants could easily be in their data warehouses. So they likely know who you are, they may not have a geotag but to be honest if you’ve used anything that tracks that then the chances are they have a tracking cookie building your profile up in the background.

    I’m genuinely interested though, I’d love to know what it’s like to completely cut google... their data hoarding is deplorable.

    I might try it just to see how it goes, I have to wipe the slate sometimes for private work and it’s a fucking nightmare.
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    @jamescodesthing For now I only use the playstore indeed. Once I get my new phone I'll remove that one as well and install gapp less rom.

    Yeah i block every damn Google domain I can, simple as that :)
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    Is that you on GitHub under the same username?

    Legit google your username... 5 links down its your posts on devrant, the top is a few other websites with the same user that could be you... google knows you bruh.

    H, wait, how do you use the play store if you’ve blocked ALL of Google’s domains?

    I also see mention of a gmail account? Is that you? Do you use it?

    What browser do you use? Chrome is the industry lead on droid.
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    @jamescodesthing Used to have a gmail account and still one left especially for my devRant premium subscription :).

    This is the only place where I use this username so the other places aren't me!

    Have always used Firefox, never liked Chrome anyways.

    As I said, I still use the playstore but going to end that one soon.

    I block everything google, fb and other social networks on my home network, not on my phone yet.

    Planning out a vpn setup for all my devices which literally blocks all Google and fb shit for every connected device :)
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    @linuxxx shit son... good luck with it when you do.

    I was gonna say “see you then” but I doubt we will 😊
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    @LeFlawk Going to do it through vps's though so I can use it with all my devices :)
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